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608 Functional Results of Hip Arthroscopy without Capsule Closure: Three Years of Follow-Up
Maximiliano Barahona, MD, MSc Universidad de Chile
Santiago, RM, CHILE
609 Successful Arthroscopy for Pincer-Morphology: Two-Year Outcomes in Patients with Acetabular Overcoverage Compared with Matched Controls
Claudia R Brick, BMedSci
Orthosports North Harbour Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
619 620 621
622 623
627 628
Frozen Hip: An Uncommon, but Not Rare, Cause of Hip Pain
Leandro Ejnisman, MD, PhD
Stanford University
Clinical Outcomes of Arthroscopic Capsular Plication for Hip Microinstability with a Minimum Five-Year Follow-Up Leandro Ejnisman, MD, PhD
Stanford University
Revision vs. Primary Arthroscopic Release for External Snapping Hip: A One-Year Analysis of Outcomes in 189 Patients
Heng’an Ge, PhD
Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, Department of Orthopedics, Tongji University School of Medicine Shanghai, CHINA
Water Polo Player’s Hip: An Analysis of Hip Range of Motion During the Egg-Beater Movement
Kimberly Hall, MD
Stanford Hospital and Clinics Stanford, CA, UNITED STATES
Health-Related Quality of Life After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Jeffrey Kay, MD
McMaster University Hamilton, ON, CANADA
611 Arthroscopic Iliopsoas Tendon Release in Patients with
Effect of Pre-Surgery Patient-Reported Outcomes and Surgeon Experience on Reoperation and Total Hip Replacement Rates Following Hip Arthroscopy Matthew J. Brick, MBChB, FRACS
Orthosports North Harbour Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
Iliopsoas Tendinopathy Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Multicenter Arthroscopic Study of the Hip (MASH) Group Study
Steven B. Cohen, MD
MASH Study Group Philadelphia, PA, UNITED STATES
Mixed Reality Technology Assisted Navigation for Hip Arthroscopic Surgery
Shuang Cong, MD
Huashan Hospital, Fudan University Shanghai, CHINA
Hip Health among Retired National Basketball Association Athletes: A Survey
Moin Khan, MD, MSc, FRCSC
University of Michigan
Complete Capsular Repair Restores Native Kinematics Following Interportal and T-Capsulotomy
Ryan M. Degen, MD, FRCSC
Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic–Western University London, ON, CANADA
Radial Alpha Angle Using 3D Magnetic Resonance Image for the Evaluation of Cam Morphology
Naomi Kobayashi, MD, PhD
Yokohama City University Yokohama, JAPAN
Anatomic Study of Injury Risk to the Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve During Proximal Hamstring Repair James Dreese, MD
MedStar Union Memorial Hospital Baltimore, MD, UNITED STATES
Effects of Hip Distraction without a Perineal Post on Venous Blood Flow and Peripheral Nerve Conduction During
Hip Arthroscopy
Matthew J. Kraeutler, MD
University of Colorado School of Medicine Boulder, CO, UNITED STATES
Return to Sport After Proximal Hamstring Tendon Repair: A Systematic Review
Matthew J. Kraeutler, MD
University of Colorado School of Medicine Boulder, CO, UNITED STATES
Acetabular Chondral Flap Morphology During Hip Arthroscopy Correlates with Clinical Pathology: The Inside-Out and Outside-In Pathomechanism Matthew J. Kraeutler, MD
University of Colorado School of Medicine Aurora, CO, UNITED STATES
A Decade of Hip Injuries in NCAA Football Players: Epidemiological Study of NCAA Injury Surveillance System Data
Justin Makovicka, MD
Mayo Clinic Arizona Phoenix, AZ, UNITED STATES
616 Para-Acetabular Bony and Calcific Fragments in Patients
Acetabular Labral Tear Dimensions and Quantity of Suture Anchors Required for Arthroscopic Repair
Guillaume D. Dumont, MD
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia, SC, UNITED STATES
with Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Retrospective Assessment of Prevalence and Characteristics Guillaume D. Dumont, MD
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia, SC, UNITED STATES
AIIS Morphologic Classification: Evaluation of the Accuracy of Plain Radiographs
Guillaume D. Dumont, MD
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia, SC, UNITED STATES
618 A Novel Biomechanical Model for Hip Microinstability Leandro Ejnisman, MD, PhD
Stanford University
#ISAKOS2019 • Cancun, Mexico • May 12 – 16, 2019 121