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  ICL #24 General Session – Gran Cancun The AC Joint and Scapula
Chair: Jeffrey A. Macalena, MD UNITED STATES
Guillermo Arce, MD ARGENTINA
Moderator: Christian Lozano, MD, MBA PERU
This course focuses on treatments of shoulder injuries related
to the acromioclavicular (AC) joint and the scapula, including the coracoclavicular (CC) ligament, CC and AC reconstruction, non-operative management, and related injuries of the
athlete’s shoulder.
• Anatomy of the AC Joint and Scapula
• Nonoperative Management of AC Injuries • Operative Management of AC Injuries
• Considerations in Athletes
• Case-Based Discussion
ICL #26 Concurrent 3 – Cozumel 3+4 Tendon and Ligament Injuries in the Elbow
Chair: Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS, PhD AUSTRALIA
Deepak N. Bhatia, MS(Orth), DNB(Orth) INDIA Mark I. Loebenberg, MD ISRAEL
Alessandro Marinelli, MD ITALY
Kilian Wegmann, MD, PhD GERMANY
This course offers a discussion of common elbow injuries and related concepts, including the classification of elbow instability, lateral and medial collateral ligament instability, and distal biceps injuries.
• Classification of Elbow Instability
• Lateral Collateral Ligament Instability • Medial Collateral Ligament Instability • The Ulnar Nerve
• Endoscopic Biceps Tendon Surgery • Partial Distal Biceps Tendon Tears
ICL #27 Concurrent 4 – Cozumel 2+A Patellar Dislocation in the Skeletally
Immature Patient
Chair: Petri J. Sillanpää, MD, PhD FINLAND
Franck P. D. A. Chotel, MD, PhD, Prof. FRANCE
Masataka Deie, MD, PhD, Prof. JAPAN
Moderator: Maria Tuca, MD CHILE
In this instructional course lecture, participants will review the clinical algorithm for acute and chronic patellofemoral (PF) dislocations in children and adolescents, when to operate, and when to rehabilitate.
• Diagnostics and Management of Pediatric First-Time
Patellar Dislocation
• MPFL Reconstruction in Skeletally Immature
• Panel Discussion MPFL Reconstruction Techniques
• Management of Recurrent Dislocation and Habitual Dislocation
• Patella Alta, Generalized Ligament Laxity–How to Manage
• Bony Abnormalities in Skeletally Immature–Surgical Options
ICL #25
Concurrent 2 – Cozumel 1+5
THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019
   PCL Reconstruction: Tips and Tricks
Chair: Francesco Giron, MD, PhD ITALY
Chair: Timothy S. Whitehead, MBBS, FRACS AUSTRALIA Fabrizio Margheritini, MD ITALY
Matthew J. Matava, MD UNITED STATES
Manuel F. Mosquera, MD COLOMBIA
Bruce C. Twaddle, MD, FRACS, Prof. NEW ZEALAND Moderator: O. Rolando Suarez, MD PERU
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction is one of the most demanding surgical procedures. This session will focus on tips and tricks to make PCL reconstruction surgery safer and easier, and to ensure better outcomes.
• Acute Repair of PCL Injuries: Imaging Assessment
and Techniques
• PCL Augmentation and Remnant Tensioning. Indication and Technique. Tricks and Tips.
• Posteromedial Arthromedial Approach
• How to Get the Best from an Arthroscopic Single Bundle Transtibial Approach
• Double-Bundle Reconstruction with Both Arthroscopic and Open Inlay Techniques
• PCL Reconstruction: Knowing the Anatomy to Avoid Complications
Please note, program information, agendas and faculty details are subject to change.

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