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2013 ISAKOS Congress Wrap Up

Patellofemoral Traveling Fellowships
Welcome Reception

ISAKOS thanks all who participated in the 2013 ISAKOS 
Congress Welcome Reception. Congress participants and 

This travel award was developed to promote better their guests enjoyed global food stations representing Italy, 
understanding and communication regarding patellofemoral China, Greece, India and of course, Toronto, Canada. 
pain. This opportunity is awarded on a competitive basis 
Attendees also delighted in a Chinese dragon dance parade 
to an orthopaedic surgeon interested in the study and and photo opportunities with Canadian Mounties.
advancement of understanding of the patellofemoral joint. 

Preference is given to those who have established an 
academic record of accomplishment. The Patellofemoral 

Foundation and ISAKOS will provide a stipend to permit visits 
to several centers, worldwide, that offer opportunities to learn 

about the complexities of patellofemoral pain. The fellows will 
write a report of the experience, which will be considered for 

publication in Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and 
Related Surgery.

2013–2014 Winners
Laurie Hiemstra, MD, PhD, FRCSC, CANADA 

Shital Parikh, MD, USA

Upper Extremity Traveling Fellowships

This fellowship was developed to promote better understanding 
and communication regarding injuries or conditions involving 

the structures of the Upper Extremity. This opportunity is 
available on a competitive basis to an orthopaedic surgeon 

between the ages of 35 and 45 years, interested in the study 
and advancement of understanding of injuries to the Upper 
Extremity. Preference is given to those who have established 

an academic record of accomplishment. A stipend will be 
provide to permit visits to several centers, worldwide, that can 

match their facilities with the applicant’s interest. The fellow 
will write a report of the experience which will be considered 

for publication in Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic 
and Related Surgery.

2013–2014 Winners

Bernard Kuo Hung Lin, MBBS, MRCS(Edin), 
MMED(Ortho), FRCS (Edin) (Ortho), SINGAPORE

Vasyl Makarov, MD, PhD, UKRAINE


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