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2013 ISAKOS Congress Wrap Up




Werner M̈eller, MD

Written by: Roland Jakob,
ISAKOS Past President (2001–2002)

Werner M̈eller studied Medicine in Basel, Paris and 

Vienna obtaining his degree in 1959. He acquired 
his Orthopaedic training in Basel with Nissen and 

Chapchal, the former being a disciple of former Prof. 
Sauerbruch, known for his strength and severity– 

whose assistants were not allowed to get married 
while working with him. We feel happy with Werner 

that, times had changed by the time he came in 
the department because he already was married 

to Ursula and later had four sons with her. Starting 
in 1970, Prof. Morscher became his Orthopaedic 
Chief with Prof. Martin Allg̈wer, known for his 

leading function in the AO, being Chief of the Surgery 
Department. Werner was named Head of Orthopaedic 02

Traumatology, although his main interest was less the Werner is famous for his book The Knee. Form, 
broken bones; it was the torn ligaments and restoring Function and Ligament Reconstruction, published in 
1982/83, containing the anatomic relations with the 
stability with full function of the joints that attracted 
him! In 1978 he left University to become Chief of primary and secondary stabilizing functions of the 
knee ligaments. It appeared in six languages. It was 
his own unit of Orthopaedics in Bruderholzspital– 
Basel which later became the mecca for ligament the foundation and basis of the courses on applied 
knee anatomy he was giving in Basel and at many 
pathology of the knee in Switzerland. 1982 he 
became Privatdocent and 1990 Associate Professor other sites in which he has remained unbeaten.
of the University of Basel.
Dr. M̈eller wrote over 150 articles and was Co-Editor 
of the ESSKA Journal. He was member of fifteen 

Medical Societies, and has been honored with 
eleven Honorary Memberships with various medical 


Werner M̈ller became Founding President of ESSKA 
in 1982 and headed the second ESSKA Congress in 
Basel in 1986. Until today he has held many Guest 

Lectures of which numerous Honorary Lectures over 
the world.

Together with his intimate friend John Feagin, he 

started the AOSSM-ESSKA Traveling Fellowship in 
1985 and on his initiative they decided to found a 

group to devote energy and time to the development 
of a common system of classification–the IKDC, a 

system still valid today and being constantly adapted.

He has eight grandchildren and remains happily 
married to Ursula.



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