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2013 ISAKOS Congress Wrap Up

ISAKOS Congress Advances in Knee: Patellofemoral 

Instability, ACL Reconstruction and
Meniscal Repai

Chairs: Allen Anderson, David Parker, and
Clinical Research Methods
Willem van der Merwe, ISAKOS Knee Committee
Chairs: Robert Marx and Stephen Lyman, 
As a prelude to the ISAKOS 2013 congress in Toronto, 
ISAKOS Scientific Committee
the ISAKOS knee committee organized a pre-course in 

For the 9th Biennial ISAKOS Congress, the ISAKOS Scientific Advances in Sports Medicine Knee Surgery. The course was 
divided into sessions dedicated to Anterior Cruciate Ligament, 
Committee organized the first ISAKOS Clinical Research 
Methods Pre-Course. Attendees were given a copy of the Patellofemoral surgery, and Meniscal surgery, with the morning 
sessions involving talks and discussion, and the afternoon 
Journal of Arthroscopy Clinical Research Methods Supplement 
and treated to a series of lectures by experienced orthopedic involving live surgery demonstrations. In the morning the 
clinical investigators from around the globe. This short-course ACL session included talks on primary and revision surgery 

was co-chaired by Stephen Lyman, PhD, and Robert Marx, and pediatric reconstruction, the Patellofemoral session 
MD, MSc, FRCSC both from the Hospital for Special Surgery included talks on management of acute and recurrent 
injuries, and the Meniscal session included talks on repair 
(USA). The course covered the life of a clinical research project 
from conceiving an answerable research question (Lyman) to techniques and meniscal transplant. In the afternoon, the 
audience was able to observe and ask questions about 
writing a publishable paper (Jon Karlsson MD PhD, Sweden). 
Bias is a constant threat to the accuracy of clinical research live surgical demonstrations of MPFL reconstruction, Tibial 
tubercle osteotomy and Trochleoplasty, Double Bundle ACL 
findings, explained very well by Dr. Daniel Wheelan (Canada). 
The advantages of disadvantages of observational studies reconstruction and Extraarticular Reconstruction, as well as 
Meniscal Root Repair.
designs including case control studies (Jacques Menetrey 
MD, Switzerland) and large prospective cohort studies (Kurt The course was certainly an incredibly comprehensive 
Spindler MD, USA) were explored. Data capture options were 
program that was expertly covered over the course of a 
explored by Dr. Lyman while Dr. Norimasa Nakamura (Japan) single day by the collection of world renowned speakers. It 
addressed objective measurement of patient outcomes in a was wonderful to see representation from America, Europe, 

clinical setting. A talk by Dr. Marx on surgeon equipoise in Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand amongst the faculty, 
surgical trials was enlightening to all attendees and illicted and the program was well organized and chaired by Allen 

a robust discussion of the potential pitfalls of randomized Anderson, Willem van der Merwe, and David Parker. The 
study designs in surgical research. Drs. Lyman and Karlsson course was sold out, and the feedback from the audience has 

wrapped up the session with an insightful lesson into been overwhelmingly positive. The Knee Committee would 
visualizing data in scientific manuscripts and an editor’s view like to thank all of those who contributed, and is now working 

of manuscript preparation (Dr. Karlsson is the editor-in-chief to put together a Knee Surgery Pre-course for the congress 
of KSSTA).
in Lyon in 2015, which we hope will be similarly successful!

Apply for an ISAKOS Arthroscopy Traveling Fellowship!

Dr. Masaki Watanabe developed the irst device for minimally invasive 
surgery. Created in honor of Dr. Watanabe’s accomplishments, the Masaki 

Watanabe Arthroscopy Traveling Fellowship Award is a new traveling 
fellowship sponsored by the ISAKOS Arthroscopy Committee. The 

fellowship will provide funding for two young arthroscopic surgeons to 
learn more about the current practice of arthroscopic surgery from well- 

respected experts in the ield.

Application Deadline: January 31, 2014 

Apply Today at


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