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2013 ISAKOS Congress Wrap Up

“Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapies aim to improve the 

process of tissue repair through local delivery of autologous 
bioactive agents to influence critical mechanisms such as 

inflammation, angiogenesis or extracellular matrix synthesis. 
PRP has been used for just about any and all conditions in 

orthopaedic sports medicine, and some practitioners swear 
by it. I must confess that I am still cautious: I am fascinated 
by this new technology, and by the opportunity that PRP may 

afford to get my athletes back to health and fit to fight faster. 
However, I am aware of the fact that there is still relatively little 

level I evidence in favour of PRP. Indeed, the well-performed 
level-1 studies seem to paint a different view from what has Dr. Allan Mishra then spoke in his usual understated manner, 

been outlined in the press. The early studies were impressive, and presented data from a prospective, randomized trial of 
and PRP seems to be effective in the management of tennis 230 patients evaluating the efficacy of PRP for chronic tennis 

elbow. However, subsequent well performed randomized elbow. That study revealed a significant improvement in 
controlled trials in Achilles tendinopathy form Holland and patients treated with needling and PRP compared to needling 

our own in rotator cuff tears do not show any advantages. alone in terms of reported pain and elbow tenderness. The 
Another randomized controlled trial using PRP in open repair overall success rate of needling with PRP compared to PRP 
of Achilles tendon ruptures from Sweden shows that it is at alone was 84% vs 68% at six months. (p = 0.012). This 

best of no use, and possibly harmful. I am aware of another study used a formulation of PRP that contained increased 
trial in rotator cuff repair, which shows early advantages, and concentrations of platelets and increased white blood cells 

of another two that show no advantages. We performed compared to baseline. This formulations was injected in an 
systematic reviews with the Dutch group and with the group unactivated fashion. (Type 1A PRP prepared via the Biomet 

who introduced the concept of PRP in the management of GPS PRP System, Warsaw, IN USA; see classification system 
musculoskeletal injuries, led by Drs Anitua, Sanchez and below) This paper has been accepted for publication to The 

Andia, and found that the scientific evidence is just not there. American Journal of Sports Medicine.
The same applies to muscle injuries. Therefore, at present, I 
am happy to perform studies on PRP (and we are doing so), Dr. Mishra stated “The data will hopefully help patients and 
clinicians as they navigate the decisions they need to make 
but I do not use it in clinical practice, at least not yet!”
with regard to treating chronic tennis elbow. Finally, it was 
a pleasure to reconnect with friends from India including 
These three talks were followed by presentation of clinical 
Dr. Mandeep Dhillion, one of the authors of the recent 
excellent investigation using PRP for knee osteoarthritis. I look results from various published studies by the ICL Chairman, 
Rogerio da Silva; he looked at the pros and cons, and 
forward to future meetings and continuing collaborations. subsequently initiated an excellent discussion.
Please consider joining with me on the Biologic Orthopedic 

Society on LinkedIn ( as we work toward As a member of the audience, I was impressed by the number 
better solutions for challenging problems”.
of people who attended this ICL as well as the quality of 

Mishra PRP Classification System (Mishra et al 2012)
the presentations and the inquisitive questions that were 
subsequently asked.

PRP Classiication
I congratulate ISAKOS for picking this topic for the ICL and 
Dr. da Silva for getting the best minds in this field on to the White Blood Cells
podium together, which in itself is a monumental task
Type 1
Increased over Baseline

Type 2
Increased over Baseline

Type 3
Minimal or No WBCs

Type 4
Minimal or No WBCs

A: > 5x Platelets 
B: < 5x Platelets

Dr. Mishra’s classification is presented above

Then came the turn of Nicola Maffulli, Professor of Sports and 
Exercise Medicine at London, and a highly published author; 

he played the Devil’s advocate and brought into focus the lack 
of significant evidence based studies to validate many points. 

I asked Nicola to give the gist of his beautifully presented talk, 
and his words are paraphrased below.


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