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2013 ISAKOS Congress Wrap Up

Controversies in PRP Use: In the words of Rogerio Teixeira da Silva, Past President– 

The Instructional Course at Brazilian Orthopedic Sports Medicine Society..

“The main objective of the PRP ICL at ISAKOS, in Toronto, 
was to perform a broad discussion in this very controversial 

topic. We had a good audience for an ICL early in the morning, 
showing that the topic continues to have the attention of the 

Prof. Mandeep S. Dhillon
orthopedic surgeons, mainly the ones who deal with sports 
injuries. From the basics (with Steve Arnoczky’s lecture) to 
President Indian Arthroplasty 
the always welcome counterpoint view showed by Nicola 
President Indian Foot & Ankle Society Maffulli, we had the opportunity to see high level scientific 

Vice President Indian Association of presentations. Also we had an outstanding contribution from 
Sports Medicine
Alan Mishra, showing his 8 year experience with the study of 
PRP treatment in tendinopathy. I focused my presentation on 
Chandigarh, INDIA
the more recently published papers where PRP was employed 
in different clinical situations, and opened the opportunity for 

Platelet Rich Plasma seems to have taken the Orthopaedic, the audience to think about new treatment strategies and 
research projects on this topic. It was a great pleasure to chair 
Sports Medicine, and Plastic and Reconstructive surgery 
communities by storm. The enthusiasm and interest generated this very interesting ICL in ISAKOS Toronto 2013.”

in recent years seems to far outstrip the medical research, 
which is still an ongoing process, and many things are yet not Steven P. Arnoczky, gave a comprehensive talk on the basic 
adequately defined in relation to efficacy, quantification, usage aspects of PRP, the gist of which is paraphrased below

and regulatory aspects.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is defined as an increase in the 
I googled the words platelet rich plasma one day prior to concentration of platelets above that found in the same volume 

the ICL at the ISAKOS meeting, and was amazed at the of whole blood. Platelets (and the liquid plasma component of 
number of hits; I got 5.5 million hits on this subject alone! blood they are suspended in) contain over 1100 bioactive 
factors involved in the healing and regeneration of connective 
The interest in this is definitely immense, but in the words of 
Allan Mishra, “the most read article is probably the one in the tissues. PRP has a long history of safety and efficacy in 
dental and maxillofacial surgery as well as cosmetic surgery. 
New York Times” Famous sportsmen using this treatment 
for early return to sports have ranged from top Golfers (Tiger In considering the basic science of PRP, it is important to 
Woods) to famous American footballers like Hines Ward and recognize that all PRP products are not the same and they 

Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburg Steelers, and the pressure on can vary in 1) the concentration of platelets (as a function of 
doctors to use this methodology has been immense.
whole blood drawn), 2) the inclusion/exclusion of white blood 

cells, 3) the use of an exogenous platelet activation agent, and 
To put this subject in a scientific perspective and look at 4) the level of fibrin production. These variables may have an 
the most recent research through the opinions of world 
effect on the indications and outcomes of PRP use in sports 
leaders, Dr. Rogerio Teixeira da Silva from Sao Paulo Brazil, related injuries and may explain the variable results presented 
coordinated this ICL at ISAKOS 2013 Toronto, and invited in the literature regarding the efficacy of PRP. Therefore, the 

the top minds in PRP focused research, namely Steven P. classification system proposed by Dr. Allan Mishra (which 
Arnoczky from Michigan USA, (who has been at the forefront categorizes the 4 variables noted above) should be employed 
of numerous path-breaking research projects), Allan Mishra 
when publishing outcome studies using PRP so as to more 
from Stanford, (who initiated the interest in this topic by his clearly define the efficacy of specific PRP product in a specific 
pioneering work on Tennis Elbow many years ago), and 
clinical application. It is also important to remember that most 
Nicola Mafulli from London (who is a World leader in tendon growth factors do not have a linear dose-response curve so 
related research).
having a higher concentration of platelets does not always 
guarantee a more robust biologic response. The precise 
concentration of platelets in PRP (as well as the frequency 

and mode of application) that can effectively (and consistently) 
augment healing in the many applications that have been 

advocated for PRP have yet to be determine. Therefore, more 
well-designed and appropriately analyzed level 1 studies are 

still needed to identify the role of PRP in the treatment of 
sports injuries.


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