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Prevention of Injuries in To make it possible, it is necessary to implement an 

Brazilian Soccer
epidemiological tracking system of those lesions, 
because only then will we know where to focus our 

efforts. The Brazilian Football Confederation (BFC) 
already uses an on-line system where injuries that 
David Sadigursky, MD
Member of the Department of occur in soccer matches can be documented for 
both the Premier and Secondary leagues of Brazilian 
Knee Surgery at Orthopedic Soccer. The S̃o Paulo State Soccer Federation is 
and Traumatological Clinic 
implementing a similar system in the state of S̃o 
(COT), Salvador-Bahia-Brazil Paulo”.
Master in Orthopedics from 
the University of S̃o Paulo Despite the fact that the thigh is usually the spot 

of highest incidence of lesions, knee injuries are 
the most common among severe ones, leading to 

The FIFA World Cup 2014 will be hosted by Brazil. a longer period of absence, highlighting the ACL 
(anterior cruciate ligament) as the most frequently 
As it approaches the preparations are intensifying in 
the country, where soccer is the most popular sport. injured ligament. It usually occurs due to non-contact 
mechanisms, which are perceived as incapacitating. 
Soccer is a sport that involves great physical contact 
and also short, quick and continuous movements This leads to surgical treatment, keeping the athlete 
away from competitions for at least 4 months. 
such as acceleration, deceleration, change of During a professional soccer league season in Brazil, 
direction, jumps and pivots. With the increasing 
more than 5/6 of the athletes have some sort of 
number of games and tournaments held in Brazil, the injury and the average number of injuries per athlete 
consequence is that a significant incidence of injuries 
is almost two in a season. Thus, as demonstrated 
occurs as well. Their rate has been estimated at 70.7 by Raymundo JLP et al, efforts should be made to 
per 1,000 game hours, as demonstrated in a study 
during the 2011 Copa Aḿrica (America Cup)–The promote the implementation of mechanisms which 
can prevent these injuries. Promoting pre-season 
Latin America national teams championship.
sessions is crucial to the preparation of the athletes 
Due to the World Cup, the training routine of the in regard to strength gain and optimal physical 
soccer players significantly increases. This fact, along performance. This measure significantly contributes 

with the number of local competitions, has caused to the prevention of injuries, as stated by Heidt et al. 
equally serious concern with the amount of injuries In the literature, several risk factors and prevention 

those athletes end up suffering, which may keep measures are found, and previous injuries and 
them away from work.
inadequate rehabilitation are identified as risk factors 

Cohen et al while studying eight Brazilian professional for the occurrence of future injury. Recurrent lesions 
to athletes make up to 25% of cases. Medical 
soccer teams in a period of two years showed that 
72% of the lesions occur in the lower limb, 16% to teams, concerned with the distancing of professional 
athletes, have intensified their participation to prevent 
the head and trunk and 6% in the upper limbs, with 
a predominance of thigh injuries with 34.5%, ankle it from occurring. Technological advances have 
joints by 17% and knee joints at 11.8%. Among the occurred in the last decade and have been relevant 
when it comes to the physical preparation of these 
injuries that require temporary removal, the muscle 
lesions are the most frequent, with 39.2% of cases, athletes, and have resulted in greater demand at their 
peak performance.
while fractures and swellings represent only 5.4%. 
The highest incidence of injuries happen to players 

who perform in midfield and forward positions, and 
the injuries accounted for 39% of all injuries, being 

followed by contractures, strains and sprains.

As commented Dr. Andre Pedrinelli, from the First 
FIFA Excellence Medical Center, Sports Medicine 

group at the University of S̃o Paulo’s Institute 
of Orthopedics and Traumatology: “Logically, the 
concept of prevention should not be restricted to 

strength and balance exercising only, but also to 
soccer players’ regular clinical exams. This becomes 

an active search for possible risk factors.



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