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The F-MARC 11 + program, involves 10 exercises 

FIFa11+ to strengthen the muscles CORE, development of 
the thigh muscles, preventing incorrect posture and 

gaining stability. The element 11 was intended for a 
Um programa de aquecimento completo para
“fair play” culture, since many injuries are caused by 
prevenir les̃es no futebol
fouls. Junge et al conducted a study in Switzerland, 
where 60% of the coaches applied FIFA’s warm-up 
program, showing that the players suffered 12% 

fewer injuries in league competitions and 25% fewer 
injuries during training when compared with other 


The program starts with running activities followed 
by 6 strength, speed, balance and coordination 

exercises. In total, there are 15 specific exercises 
distributed in 3 parts, ranging in difficulty. The 

third part involves another running session when 
the warm-up is finished. The effectiveness of this 

program was also demonstrated by Soligard et al 
(1718) who, by applying the program, was able 
to observe a decrease of 1/3 of injuries in general 

and a half in severe injury. Thus, the F-MARC 
recognizes the strength of CORE as a key element 

of effective programs for injury prevention in soccer, 
the balance and neuromuscular control, the eccentric 

hamstring training, the pilometria and the agility. 
However, injuries in soccer go beyond individual 

skills. The opposing player plays an important role in 
the incidence of these lesions. Thus, the F-MARC has 
As for the prevention of ACL injuries in soccer created harsher punitive measures for players who 
players, there is evidence that neuromuscular and 
commit serious fouls, such as the elbow to the head 
proprioceptive training prevent the onset of these strike, recognized as the main cause of concussion. 
lesions. Brito J (2009) proposes a specific program 
Consequently, this foul has to be penalized with a 
of conditioning, education and training dedicated red card after the board’s decision in the 2006 FIFA 
to the prevention of ACL injuries in soccer players, 
World Cup. The effect of this measure can be noted 
involving neuromuscular and proprioceptive training. in the decrease of contact injuries. The material with 
The adoption of techniques adjusted to perform the 
all the necessary tools to train all those involved in 
skills of each modality is highly recommended. Before professional soccer has become available on the 
the matches, a dynamic warm-up is proposed, set to 
prepare the athlete for the intensity of the training. It website of FIFA (

is important to point out that, the submitted program There is strong scientific evidence that neuromuscular 
can be implemented in resource-poor countries, such training programs specific to each sport should be 
able to prevent knee and ankle injuries. Thus, further 
as Brazil, for not requiring sophisticated equipment 
and can thus be applied in any soccer club. studies should be conducted worldwide, in order to 
evaluate the implementation of uniformed prevention 
The recent FIFA Medical Assessment and Research 
Centre–F Marc-developed prevention protocols, as programs involving the variables of each region and 
the standardization of the protocols used as the basis 
protocol named 11+, for instance. This program 
was developed to assist health teams, in achieving for the evaluation of athletes, such as the protocol 
developed by F-MARC, during competition seasons 
a standard training, prior to soccer matches. To 
implement the program, no more than 15 minutes and practice phases, seeking the most evidence, 
are necessary.
especially when it comes to both professional teams 

and under-18 teams, with the possibility of extending 
the program to amateur teams, with the creation of a 
specific format for this type of athlete.

01 Fig 1 FIFA 11+ prevention program – F-MARC (18) 


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