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Pectoralis Major Repair Surgical Technique

A modified and inferiorly positioned deltopectoral 
Technical Note incision about 5 cm in length is utilized. The cephalic 

Expanding our therapeutic vein is displaced laterally and dissection is carried 
until the conjoined tendon is identified. With blunt 

dissection medially, the clavicular and sternal head 
are identified, the type of rupture is analyzed and 

a decision about how to proceed is made. Often a 
Gonzalo Samitier, MD, PhD
large seroma is encountered around the tendon. The 

Sports Medicine Fellow at tendon and / or muscle belly are usually retracted 
Henry Ford Health System medially approximately 2.5 cm from its insertion point 

along with, occasionally, a thin veil of tissue/fascia 
still attached to the humeral insertion; but the 
majority of the muscle tendon unit is normally torn 

and retracted. We first bluntly dissect superficially 
as well as posteriorly to the ruptured heads until a 

360-degree release is obtained, then two number 
Surgical Technique and Senior Author: 2 ultra-resistant Fiberwire © (Arthrex, Inc. Naples, 

Kevin W Farmer, MD
FL) locked sutures are placed within the bulk of 
Assistant Professor Sports Medicine Division at the muscle tendon unit in a Krackow fashion to be 

University of Florida, GAINESVILLE, FL, USA
able to bring this back to the insertion point without 
undue tension. After creating a trough in the humerus 
at the anatomic insertion site lateral to the biceps 
Pectoralis major rupture is an injury related tendon, holes are drilled for two Peek Swivelock© 
to certain sports or activities as weight lifting 5.5 anchors loaded with #2 fiberwire© (Arthrex, 
(especially during bench pressing), American football, 
Inc. Naples, FL), appropriately drilled and tapped 
wrestling and rugby. As former Shoulder & Elbow into place.
fellow at University of Florida I was exposed to a wide 
Then the two prefixed sutures in the tendon can 
variety of shoulder, elbow and sports procedures, 
some of them, interesting and novel techniques be tied with each other and the preloaded sutures 
of anchors are also tied in the same manner over 
as the one described below and developed by the 
senior author KF.
the pectoralis insertion tendon. At this point it is 
advisable to test the external rotation and stability 
Pectoralis major function consist in adduction, internal 
rotation, and flexion of the humerus. Origin comes of the construct. Finally, the deltopectoral interval is 
closed with absorvable sutures and non-absorvable 
from the sternum, medial clavicle, aponeurosis of 
the external oblique muscle and the cartilaginous intracutaneous sutures are used for the skin.
area of the first six ribs; all them form a complex 

composed of multilaminar segments that merge into a 
bilaminar tendon.

Classical mechanism of injury is in full extension 

and external rotation of the shoulder while trying to 
resist a sudden forceful load directed in an anterior 
to posterior direction. This overloads the maximally 

contracted muscle during eccentric movement.

Classical clinical presentation for this injury is 
sudden severe pain in the arm and shoulder, with 
or without an audible “snap”, motion accompanied 

with pain, ecchymosis, swelling, and weakness; 
Physical examination shows asymmetric anatomy 

on the axillary fold presenting a thinning on the 
affected area or even an area of depression at the 

deltopectoral groove and bulging at pectoralis origins 
when tensioning is created on the muscle. Muscle 
strenght shows weakness in adduction and internal 

rotation of the arm.

For diagnosis, radiographs usually do not show 
abnormalities except in bony avulsion cases; MRI is 
considered the gold standard imaging modality.


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