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We have talked to few of the 

busiest and most renowned 

surgeons in the world, trying to 

get their take on some of the 

most important aspects of our 

career: decision making

Here are their answers to the below two questions.

Q1 You are on a long planned family vacation for a week, celebrating one of your kids birthday, relaxing 
and having fun. As you sit for breakfast to drink coffee with your lovely wife, LeBron James’ agent 

calls, reports on an injury he had just suffered, and ask you to operate on him...Tomorrow. What 
would you do....?

Q2 How do you relive the stress involved with daily practice so you don’t wear off?

Marc J. Philippon, MD

Vail, CO, USA

A1 I believe in a balanced life and for me my family A2 Balance and Spirituality are essential to me. I like 
is very important. We also have an ethical to run every morning. In addition 4 – 5x / week, 

obligation to help our patients. There are a few I find time to swim/ski/bike and I am about to 
sports-related hip injuries that require emergency re-start playing ice hockey. I spend as much 

surgeries (dislocations, open fractures, infections time with my family as I can. I like to travel, play 
etc.). If the athlete does not fit these criteria, I tennis, ski and do some Aikido with them. I enjoy 
would make my recommendations after reviewing watching them compete in tennis and performing 

the studies and a good dialogue with the patient Ballet. Most importantly, enjoying your work and 
and his agent. I would also tell them that I need having a great team with you, help tremendously 

to perform a full physical exam to complete avoiding unnecessary stress.
my recommendations. If he needs an elective 

surgery and they still want to have surgery the 
next day, I would refer them to a surgeon that I 

trust and decide to stay with my family. I do not 
think that a few days make a difference in the life 

of a professional athlete and to defer the surgery 
for a few days, can actually be of great benefit. 
It allows more time for a better decision-making 



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