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The hospital, especially the OR staff, should be prepared to 

deal with a patient who suffers from latex sensitivity. Latex- 
sensitive patients undergoing surgery should be scheduled as 

Cecilia Pascual-Garrido, MD
the first case of the day, when aerosolized latex particles are 
University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA
at a low. If unmanaged, latex allergies can have a profound 

and unnecessary impact on hospital resources due to post- 
operative complications or operating room teardown costs. If 
latex gloves are worn even during the set-up of the O.R., a 

last minute discovery of a patient’s latex allergy will require a 
teardown of the O.R. set up which would result in significant 

What is “PEEK”?
cost implications. Many hospitals are now implementing latex- 
free environment in order to avoid these unpredictable issues.

PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) is a strong thermoplastic What is “the process of allograft 
polymer (plastic). The properties of PEEK make it an ideal 
material for use in orthopedic implants. It closely matches the irradiation”?

mechanical properties of the bone (tensile yield strength, shear 
strength and modulus). Clinically, is highly biocompatible (no Allograft irradiation is part of the secondary sterilization 
normally used during allograft tissue processing.
cytotoxicity has been observed when implanted) and stays as 
a permanent implant with ability to be revised easily.
Sterilization has been defined as the process or act of 

PEEK material was initially used in Orthopedics for Spine inactivating or killing all forms of life, especially microorganisms. 
implants. Lately, its application has widely spread in the field Sterilization by gamma irradiation is normally used in order 

of Sports Medicine in the form of Suture anchors and screws. to minimize the risk of blood-borne diseases transmission 
Compared to bioabsorbable suture anchors such as: PLAA such as hepatitis, bacterial or fungal infection, and HIV. The 
virucidal and bactericidal effects of gamma irradiation are 
and PGA, PEEK is non-absorbable. It offers the advantage 
of excellent postoperative imaging (similar to bioabsorbable created by two mechanisms. The primary mechanism is direct 
alteration of nucleic acids leading to genome dysfunction and 
anchors) with stable fixation without the complication 
associated with the degradation of the polymer. No published destruction. A secondary mechanism is the generation of free 
radicals, primarily from liquid water.
data to date have been reported on complications or failures 
with implants manufactured with PEEK
Initially, human tissue allografts were irradiated with 2.5 to 5 
Mrad (25-50kGy), considered as “high dose radiation”, which 
What is “sensitivity to latex”?
compromised graft structural integrity and resulted in high 
failures rate. More recent secondary sterilization protocols 
Latex allergy is defined as a previous reaction to latex. If rash 
or other symptoms after contact with latex were developed, have employed lower irradiation doses, typically from 1 to 
1.8 Mrad (10-18kGy), and are frequently termed “low dose 
that will be considered as a latex sensitivity. Latex allergies radiation”.. Studies conducted on low-dose irradiated allograft 
or sensitivity may cause reactions ranging in severity from 
suggest that the pre-implantation biomechanical properties 
skin redness or a rash to sneezing or even anaphylaxis, a are not altered when allografts are irradiated at these lower 
potentially life-threatening condition.
It is estimated that 6% of the general population suffers from Gamma irradiation is very effective against bacteria at doses 
latex allergy and 15% of health-care workers. Patients with 
of 1.5 to 2.5 Mrad.
spina bifida (myelomeningocele) are at the highest risk of latex However, gamma irradiation is much less effective against 
allergy because of repeated exposure of mucous membranes 
viruses. Some studies, have estimated that more than 3.6 
to latex during surgeries and procedures. The prevalence of Mrad may be needed to inactivate all but 1 in 1,000,000 HIV- 
latex allergy in these patients range from 20 to 67% and their 
risk of anaphylaxis in the operating room is 500 times higher infected cells.
Gamma radiation, together with aseptic harvesting, antibiotic 
than rest of the population. The prevalence of anaphylactic 
reactions during the perioperative period and during medical soaks, multiple cultures, and low-dose gamma irradiation 
(<3.0 Mrad), has become the most commonly used process 
procedures overall has been defined poorly. Different reports 
have suggested an incidence between 1 in 10.000 to 1 in for producing a sterile graft. Despite the risk of HIV infection 
from allogeneic grafts, there has been only one reported 
case in which HIV was proved to be transferred from an 
Between 1988 and 1992, the FDA received more than 1000 infected donor.
reports of latex allergic reactions. Most of the cases were 
associated with use of gloves or latex balloon-tipped barium Any surgeon using allografts should make a point of being 
familiar with the exact techniques and standards used by the 
enema catheters. Fifteen deaths occurred, all of which were 
related to the use of the latex balloon-tipped catheter. The bank supplying the grafts. Surgeons should feel comfortable 
that everything reasonable has been done to ensure that the 
deaths prompted the CDC and the FDA to issue a medical grafts they use are of the highest quality available.
alert and recall these products.


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