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Upcoming ISAKOS 

Collaborative Courses

3rd IHKS (Indonesian Hip & Knee Society) 
Scientific Meeting
August 22–25, 2013 Jakarta, INDONESIA

International Congress of Indian Arthroscopy 

Society (IIAS)
September 20–22, 2013 | Mumbai, INDIA

ISAKOS & FIFA Collaborative Course on
Football Medicine
Tell us about yourself, and we will | 
tell you where you sit in the crowd.
February 13–14, 2014 Sao Paulo, Brazil
This one and a half day course will be chaired by

The ISAKOS Newsletter Poll questions are Dr. Moises Cohen, Brazil, Dr. Philippe Neyret, France, 
and Dr. Joao Espregueira-Mendes, Portugal. These 
available on the ISAKOS homepage– Results and additional chairs are currently collaborating with the FIFA Medical 
comments will be published in the next ISAKOS Officers to determine the course content and agenda. 

This course will be open to registration by physicians, 
and will immediately precede the FIFA Medical Meeting.
1 What is your primary ACL graft?
1. Auto BTB
2. Auto Hamstrings ISAKOS & ISKSAA and IAA
March 1–2, 2014 | Chennai/Bangalore, India
3. 50/50
4. Allograft
This course is being developed in collaboration with the 
Indian Arthroscopy Association and the International 

2 How long does your average Cuff repair Society for Knowledge for Surgeons on Arthroscopy 
and Arthroplasty, under the guidance of local hosts 
1. < 45m 
Parag Sancheti and Dinshaw Pardiwala.
2. 60m 
3. 90m International Forum on Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 

4. > 2h
& Arthroscopic Surgery – an ISAKOS Collaborative 
Course with CMA, COA and CSSM
3 How many weeks off do you take a year?
1. 2 May 8–10, 2014 Shanghai, China
ISAKOS looks forward to partnering again with the 
2. 3 
3. 5 Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Orthopaedic 
4. 7 Association and Chinese Society for Sports Medicine 

5. > 8
for the International Forum on Orthopaedic Sports 
Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery. The Local 
4 Do you work in a private or academic 
Organizer of this course will be Dr. Shiyi Chen. This 
course will include didactic sessions, as well as hands 
1. Academic only
2. Private only
on surgical skills labs.

3. 50/50
ISAKOS, ESSKA & ASTAOR Collaborative Course

5 How involved are you in research?
September 9–12, 2014 | Moscow, Russia
1. Not interested, don’t publish at all
ISAKOS will partner with ASATOR and ESSKA, under 

2. I publish 1–2 research works a year the direction of local host Professor Andrey Korolev, for 
3. I Conduct several studies a year and
a collaborative course in Moscow. This course program 
publish 4–5 papers
is still under development, but will likely include didactic 
4. I spend much time on research
sessions, as well as a hands-on component (model or 
work and publish more than 
cadaver workshop).
7 papers a year
Visit for more information on ISAKOS 

Collaborative Courses


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