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A Tale of One ISAKOS Member: 

From Florida to Lyon

Kivanc Atesok, MD, MSc
ISAKOS Membership Committee

It was year 2005, I was in training when I attended my 

first ISAKOS Biannual Meeting in Florida. It was such an 
exciting time in my career! Just before the meeting, a Tissue 
Engineering Symposium was organized by Dr. Gary Poehling 

in Winston Salem, where I first had my eyes opened to see 
what the cross-roads in medicine will be in the near future: 

Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells. I was so impressed It did not take more than two years for me to decide to study 
to meet many distinguished leaders of Orthopaedic Surgery for Master of Science degree in Regenerative Medicine 
and Sports Medicine that I felt a strong desire to be more 
and Stem Cells. A dream that started with ISAKOS was 
involved with the activities of ISAKOS. Who would not feel becoming the reality: I was accepted to The University of 
the same way after having an opportunity to get closer 
Toronto as an MSc graduate student to study in the field of 
to icons like Dr. Doral, Dr. Fu, Dr. Karlsson, Dr. Lubowitz, Tissue Engineering. I was so enthusiastic that the project 
Dr. Ochi, Dr. Myers and many more names that are written in eventually received awards and honours, and I found myself 

my “Look-up-to” list...?
being invited to Stem Cell forums as one of the recognized 
scientists in the field. Furthermore, my desire to be involved 

more with ISAKOS was also being fulfilled. After the Editorial 
Board, I also had the opportunity to work in the Membership 

and Program Committees. But it was not all; ISAKOS gave 
me way more opportunities such as organizing symposia, 
having fellowship programs recognized, and above all, 

improving myself as a physician and a person.

Today, when I think about 2015 ISAKOS Biannual Meeting 
in Lyon, I can feel the same excitement I felt just before my 

first ISAKOS Meeting in Florida years ago. By the way, I have 
never been to France...! I drink French wine, I use French 
perfume, I dine in French restaurants and I read French 

literature, but never been to France...! Another reason to 
be thankful for being an ISAKOS member: now I have the 

chance to visit France...! And Lyon, the city between two 
rivers (Rĥne and Sâne)...! I know that Lyon is the second 

richest city in France after Paris, a UNESCO World Heritage 
Site due to its historic significance, renowned Lyonnaise 
cuisine, and our valuable French members would know 

better – many other qualities unique to Lyon that I will be 
aware of during the ISAKOS meeting.

Thinking about the past 9 years as an ISAKOS member 

and looking towards the future, Eleanor Roosevelt’s words 
become even more meaningful to me: “The future belongs 

to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ISAKOS 
opens the doors to its members to walk towards their 
dreams. Non-material rewards that ISAKOS membership 

could bring us along the way are limited only by our 
imagination and motivation.


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