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5th Annual Meeting of the 

Japanese Orthopaedic Society 

of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports 

Medicine (5th JOSKAS)

June 20–22, 2013

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic 

Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Science (5th 03
JOSKAS) was held over a three-day period between June 

20th and 22nd (along with a seminar on the 22nd), 2013, at 
the Sapporo Convention Center and neighboring Sapporo 

Business Innovation Center. JOSKAS was formed in 2009 
by the merger of the Japan Arthroscopy Association and the 

Japan Knee Society, both founded many years earlier in 1975, 
and this 2013 annual meeting was the biggest yet. 2,423 

participants took part, exceeding the previous record by over 
500, and I would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped 
make it such a success, including the Sapporo and Hokkaido 04

governments for their generous support.
Seven invitational lectures were also held, including one by 

The theme chosen for the 5th JOSKAS was “Creation, JOSKAS director Dr. Mitsuo Ochi on meetings of APKASS 
Advance, and Harmony.” Amazing advances and innovations and events leading up to the establishment of ISAKOS, and 

are being made in many fields of medical technology, another by Dr. James Hui Poi on cartilage regeneration. In 
including in cartilage regeneration and the development of all, 10 panel discussions, 5 symposiums, 17 “Lilac” seminars 

instruments such as arthroscopes and artificial knee joints. and 7 hands-on lectures were held, and the call for abstracts 
To commemorate the centenary of the birth of Dr. Masaki generated a record-breaking 1,140 abstracts (1,265 including 
ISMISS Japan) in response.
Watanabe, first president of the International Arthroscopy 
Association (1974) and the Japan Arthroscopy Association, Due to space limitations, the poster session made use of five 

a special session was organized featuring four experts in venues at the Sapporo Business Innovation Center in addition 
their fields, including Emeritus Professor Moriya and Emeritus to nine at the Sapporo Convention Center. To encourage full 
Professor Matsui of Nagoya City University, who gave 
participation, all participants were allowed to vote on the 
their younger colleagues some greater insights into how poster presentations. To provide a break from the official 
arthroscopy originated in Japan.
program, a social was also held for all the participants on 
the first day. This included the JOSKAS Cup (a regular fixture 

of our annual meetings) and a display of ski-jumping put on 
by 10 skiers who train with the world-famous ski jumper 

Kazuyoshi Funaki.

Overall, I believe that the 5th JOSKAS provided a balanced 
program of lively discussion that showed off a range of 
exciting ideas and cutting-edge technological innovations, 

and I hope that all the participants found it a rewarding and 
productive experience.

Various materials were also compiled to produce an exhibition 
and book on the history of the development of endoscopes 

and arthroscopes, which we thankfully just about managed 
01 Our behind-the-scenes organizers take a well-earned break at the to complete on schedule. Published simultaneously in English 

Okurayama Ski Jump
as well as Japanese, the book was warmly received by our 
02 Many doctors, wearing the national costume sent by Professor overseas colleagues (especially in Europe), and a reprint is 
Shatursunov, with me and my wife at a reception hosted by the 

03 Chairperson Dr. Imai and other recipients of technical guidance from A key component of the program was a symposium that 
Dr. Watanabe recall their experiences and discuss the development looked at the past development of knee arthroplasty and 
and spread of arthroscopy at the symposium to commemorate the 
centenary of Dr. Watanabe’s birth
considered how sales of medical equipment can be promoted 
in the future while protecting the intellectual property generated 
04 Exhibition and publication of book tracing the development of through medical-engineering partnerships undertaken with 
arthroscopy in Japan
the assistance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

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