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N. Maffulli
Asking Questions of Orthopaedic Leaders
I am a clinical academic; I am biased. To me, one 
What is the importance of academic day in a day is probably not enough; but, even if you are a 
weekly working schedule?
jobbing surgeon, I believe that the academic part of 
J. Bergfeld:
your practice will give a breath of freshness to the 

Academic day again depends on your practice way in which one interprets Orthopaedics We are 
format. If you are a “clinical scientist”, you need this still stuck in an world where orthopods are famous 

day for your research effort. Trying to squeeze in your for not embracing the science behind our art, and 
nonclinical work between patients, and at the end of being averse to changing our practice if the scientific 

the day, just doesn’t work. If you are not involved in evidence produces does not match what we believe 
clinical science, then you may need a day to update to be right. The academic time not only allows to 
your orthopaedic knowledge or sometimes if you 
catch up with the latest scientific news in our field, 
have a hectic practice, a day of just getting rest but should permit us to mount little but locally relevant 
from physical and mental stress of your orthopaedic studies to show how good (or not!, as it may be) our 

practice is. It will help us to mature and change, and 
to appreciate that at times we are unreasonably 
R. Marx
stuck in practices that are no longer relevant.
Academic time is very important during the week to 
accomplish my academic goals including research J. Lubowitz

and teaching. However, time is always at a premium Stress and burn-out result from too many obligations 
in a busy clinical practice. In addition to working and not enough time, so professional balance 
during my academic time as well as evenings and requires time set aside for administrative or academic 

weekends, I find airplane travel a very efficient time responsibilities, CME, exercise, family, travel and 
for reading and writing orthopedics. In the airport hobbies. For surgeons during their most clinically 

and on the airplane I am generally free of distractions productive years, it is essential to carve out a half-day 
and find I can get a lot done, whether it is personal or for administration and/or academics.

professional travel.
G. Arce

F. Fu
Quite important! To stay academic is a key part of our 
Academic days are very important. In addition to daily job. The academic day is very encouraging for 

research, it allows for discussion and teaching time the ones who love our profession. To feel good, keep 
with colleagues, residents and fellows in an informal your mind open, have self confidence in what you 

setting. Most importantly, it provides us with an are doing and transfer these positive feelings to your 
opportunity to learn and think critically about our patients, is superb for them and for us!

work. Every week, our Anatomic ACL Research J. Espregueira-Mendes
Group meets for 3 hours and during this time, we 
A department without an academic day is weak 
review every case for that particular week in detail 
and learn a lot. We need to hold ourselves and our and fails the mission. We are dedicated to treating 
patients and improve their quality of life, educate 
profession to a high standard, and this provides us and conduct research. An academic day is the time 
with an important mechanism to doing the best we 
can for our patients.
where we can discuss cases and share opinions. We 
can teach, learn and have a second medical opinion. 

Today, with an academic day, our residents and 
faculty thank us. Tomorrow will be our patients!

Asking Questions 

of Orthopaedic Leaders


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