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G. Arce
Asking Questions of Orthopaedic Leaders
General Orthopaedics was often seen as a tough 
Why there are so very few female Ortho specialty where you need to be strong enough 
surgeons and how we can improve this?
to reduce a dislocated hip or a femoral fracture. 
N. Maffulli
Nowadays the number of female orthopaedic 

The traditional model of training surgeons was surgeons is increasing. Foot and Hand surgery, 
established at a time when the expression ‘equality sports and arthroscopy are sub-specialties where 

of the sexes’ was not invented yet. Hence, the they can compete with men with even conditions. 
apprenticeship model, with long hours long years of Research is another topic where they can do a great 

training and little time for anything but orthopaedics. job, much better than men. Promoting these issues 
Now things have changed: the number of women as an option for residence and fellowship programs 
entering medical school has increased, and at least 
are the way to include more women in orthopaedics
in the UK some medical schools have a majority 
of female entrants. This has not translated yet in a J. Espregueira-Mendes
Traditionally, females do not choose orthopedics. The 
corresponding increased number of female trainees in 
the traditionally male dominated specialties. However, reason was that our specialty was correlated with 
the need of physical strength. This was changed by 
things are changing. When I was a Senior Registrar, 
there were probably less than 10 women in higher sports and hand surgery. Nevertheless, the number 
of female orthopaedic surgeons is increasing every 
surgical orthopaedic training. Now, each program 
has a bunch. In Europe, with the implementation of year and it reflects the increased number of female 
doctors that graduate. In my university, in the last 
the European Working Time Directive, from more years, we had 90% of female surgeons! So we do not 
than 100 hours of work per week we have gone 
down to a maximum of 48. Structured teaching and need to do anything. Time will do it for us.

assessment have come to the forefront, and lady 
orthopaedic surgeons seem to prosper and flourish.

Although there has not been a centrally concerted 

drive to recruit more women in our specialty, this 
seems to have happened by default. The more Why there are so very 

humane working conditions favor the entry of women few female Ortho 
in Orthopaedics, and career breaks, though still 

difficult to plan and obtain, are at least contemplated. surgeons and how we 
Many of these women will have doctors as partners, 

and will have families, to have nurseries at work can improve this?
would help. There are now several prominent female 
Orthopaedic Surgeons in leading positions, and 

the British Orthopaedic Association has had its 
first female President. They will act as mentors and To take or not

catalysts for the junior members of the profession, 
and help their recruitment.
take the family to

J. Lubowitz
a scientific meeting?

Female medical students must be encouraged and 
actively recruited by orthopaedic surgeons and 

trainees with whom they interact.
What is the 

importance of 

academic day in 

a weekly working 



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