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N. Maffulli
Asking Questions of Orthopaedic Leaders
Easy: it depends! It depends on the meeting, and it 
To take or not take the family 
to a scientific meeting?
depends on the individual person. Some meetings 
are meant to be a family affair. Others less so. 
J. Bergfeld:
Probably, with the right frame of mind any scientific 

This depends on your goals in going to a scientific meeting can be transformed into an opportunity to 
meeting. Going to the ISAKOS meeting may provide bring the family along. However, if at that meeting 

the opportunity to visit a foreign country. And this one is busy from 0600 to 2200, then think again: our 
would be a good reason to bring your family. I would partners are already saints to stick by us, but even 

say that you should go to the meeting alone to do saints can lose their patience! Some meetings are 
your orthopaedic meeting/networking, education and conceived for the family. A peculiar aspect of our 

have the family join you either before or after the orthopaedic life is that one ends up knowing only 
meeting. Meeting within your own country, I feel, that one particular facet of our colleagues whom we may 
having the family present is a distraction as it takes well meet several times in the same month, the public 

away from your focus of the meeting and especially orthopaedic facade which does not tell much of a 
professional networking opportunities. There is colleague as a person. Being able to meet the family 

no question, though, if your spouse knows your and interact with them helps. The organizations of 
colleague’s spouses, it would be of some value to which I am at the helm (EFOST and ISMuLT) have 

have your spouse along. I have only had my spouse recognized this, and I have organized the Sports 
join me at a small percentage of meetings.
Medicine Summer Camp, in the last week of August, 

R. Marx
in Kalamata, Greece. One week of six to eight hours 
of hard work every day, but the families are with us, 
Everyone is different and has different goals for 
and it makes the whole experience unique. Last year, their professional and personal lives. When I go to 
we had 78 participants, but a crowd of close to three 
times that number.
a scientific meeting, my goal is to acquire as much 
knowledge as possible. I find that discussions that 
J. Lubowitz
I have with colleagues from around the world at 
If you are working or studying the whole time, leave meetings are very valuable for learning not only 

the family home. If you have substantial free time, surgical techniques but also patient care strategies 
bring the family along. And pay attention to the and practice management. If my family is with me 

meeting location relative to your family’s interests.
at a meeting, I have fewer opportunities to interact 
with colleagues. Furthermore, I feel that if I bring my 
G. Arce
family to the meeting, I cannot attend to my family 
To take the family to a scientific meeting for me is 
as I would like to on a vacation. For me the answer 
not worth it. If you have to give two or three lectures, is to go to the meeting when I travel to a conference 
and attend many symposia or meetings, you won’t 
and to spend time exclusively with my family when 
be able to enjoy your family. There are only a few on vacation. For me keeping the two separate works 
meetings in special places (Orlando, Cancun, Cuzco 
best, but everyone is different and must make the 
in Peru, Istanbul, etc.) with a not very demanding choice that is best for them.
scientific program where you can enjoy your family 
F. Fu
and take a sightseeing tour. In general, you can take 
part of your family to a Congress but they will be In general, I am all for having my family with me 
alone most of the time.
when I travel, but I think it also depends on the type 

J. Espregueira-Mendes
of meeting. A few of the summer meetings (such as 
AOSSM) are only a half day long and allow for free 
At scientific meetings, we are so busy that it is hard to 
time with activities in the afternoon, which is a great 
have time to spend with family. Anyway, sometimes opportunity to spend time with family exploring new 
we can combine leisure and work, which is often the 
cities. The bigger meetings, during which we typically 
only way to see them!
have many commitments, often makes it more 

difficult to spend a lot of time with family.


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