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Air Embolus During Clavicle Internal Fixation
Table 2. Management of suspected vascular injury

with a Plate Air Emboli
Aggressive fluid resuscitation
Risk factors for air emboli involve any event that increases 
Position patient trendelenburg and left side 
the pressure gradient between the surgical site (atmospheric down
pressure) and venous system (right atrial pressure). This 
includes negative intrathoracic pressure, hypovolemia, and Orthopaedic High index of suspicion
Early referral to a vascular surgeon if injury is 
positioning where the operative site is higher than the right suspected
atrium. The subclavian vein retains its patency even in Flood wound with saline

hypovolemia due to its soft tissue attachments, allowing large Control haemorrhage
volumes of air to enter if injured.
Measures to prevent air emboli include, maintaining 
We extend our condolences to the family. Acknowledgement 
normovolemia, avoiding venous injury, strict haemostasis and to the Queensland Coroner’s Office for providing information 
positive pressure ventilation. Conversely, positive pressure 
and to the operating surgeon who supporting this review and 
ventilation may cause venous engorgement resulting in an for this information being made available. The authors have no 
enlarged subclavian vein, increasing the risk of iatrogenic 
conflict of interest in this paper.

If venous injury is suspected the wound should be immersed 
in saline to prevent air entry. The patient should be immediately 
placed into a trendelenberg position with the left side down, 

and the vessel controlled. A right atrial catheter can aspirate 
air and reduce bubble size. The author’s current approach to 

minimise risk is outlined in table 1 and 2.

Table 1. Recommendations to prevent vascular injury with 
fixation of clavicle fractures
y for an ISAKOS 

Pre-operative Assess risk factors such as a small clavicle, 

Teaching Center
medial fracture, osteoporosis, comminution, 
non-union, take down of malunion, previous 
surgery or infection.
Perform a 3D CT angiogram in high risk 

ISAKOS is pleased to offer a Teaching Advise the anaesthetist of the risk of vessel 
penetration and air embolus prior to the case 
Center Scholarship as part of the ISAKOS 
Global Connection Campaign. The and just prior to drilling the clavicle.

scholarship is designed to give ISAKOS Measure clavicle dimensions in complex 
Members an opportunity to visit an ISAKOS cases.

Teaching Center to expand their education Anaesthetic
Advise the anaesthetist of risk pre-operatively 
and just prior to drilling.
in the specialties of Arthroscopy, Knee 
Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. Positive pressure ventilation

Please visit the ISAKOS website to view Surgical Subperiosteal dissection of the clavicle, so 
eligibility requirements.
that the position of the drill and screws at time 
of perforation of the second cortex can be 
Application Deadline: Do not breach the posterior periostium, (as the 
October 1, 2013
vessels may be adherent) as it acts as a layer 

between the instruments and vessels.

Medial clavicle – Superior plate 
Mid clavicle – Unicortical screws 
Lateral clavicle – Anterior plate

Drilling of Superior to inferior on medial clavicle 
Anterior to posterior on lateral clavicle
Use a new, or sharp drill bit for each case.

The drill is advanced slowly, with attention 
being paid to the change in pitch as the drill is
almost through the second cortex.


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