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ISAKOS & OREF Grant Winner Announcement

D. Studies and Results
G. Plans

IRB approval has been obtained for Rizzoli Institute We plan to continue with subject recruitment and 
(December 6, 2012), University of Pittsburgh follow-up as proposed in the original application. An 

(December 15, 2012), Kobe University (January electronic data capture system has been developed 
7, 2013) and Sahlgrenska University (February 26, for this project for all data forms.

2013). Additionally IRB approval for the Coordinating 
Center at the University of Pittsburgh was obtained H. Related Publications & Presentations
B. Muller, M. Hofbauer, Y. Hoshino, P. Araujo, 
on November 30, 2013. Enrolment began at the 
Rizzoli Institute December 17, 2012, University of M. Ahlden, J.J. Irrgang, F.H. Fu, V. Musahl
Image Analysis for Quantification of the Pivot Shift Test 
Pittsburgh January 8, 2013, and Kobe University 
February 1, 2013. As of June 1, 2013, 22 subjects and Development of an iPad Application (ISAKOS 
E-poster 9063)
have been scheduled by the investigators to undergo 
ACL reconstruction. All 22 subjects were tested Y. Hoshino, N. Lopomo, M. Ahlden, M. Wolf, 
pre-operatively and post-operatively under EUA. 
S. Zaffagnini, F.H. Fu, V. Musahl
Outcome scores were obtained pre-operatively.
Quantitative Measurement of the Pivot Shift is 

Improved using a Standardized Technique and 
Accelerometer (ISAKOS E-poster 8098)

P. Araujo, Y. Hoshino, M. Ahlden, B. Muller, 

J.J. Irrgang, F.H. Fu, V. Musahl
Quantitative Parameters of the Pivot Shift – Correlation 
and Clinical Use (ISAKOS E-poster 7826)

N. Lopomo, C. Signorelli, Y. Hoshino, M. Ahlden, 
P. Araujo, F.H. Fu, V. Musahl, M. Marcacci, 
S. Zaffagnini

A standardized Technique in Performing Pivot Shift 
Test on the Knee Joint Provided More Consistent 

Acceleration Cure Shape, Allowing to Highlight Side- 
to-side Differences (ISAKOS Paper 8818)

V. Musahl, M. Hofbauer, B. Muller, M. Wolf, D. Araki, 

Y. Hoshino, J.J. Irrgang, F.H. Fu
A Standardized Pivot Shift Test and Newly Developed 

iPad Application can Quantify ACL Injury in Patients 
(ISAKOS Paper 9079)


E. Adverse Events
There are no adverse events to report.

F. Significance

Successful completion of this study will provide 
quantification of the pivot shift test. The data from 
this study will be useful for diagnosis, surgical 

planning and assessing outcome of treatments for 
ACL injuries. The measurement of tibial translation 

and acceleration during the pivot shift test coupled 
with the standardized pivot shift test maneuver could 

provide consistent evaluation of rotatory knee laxity in 
ACL deficient and reconstructed knees. These new 

non-invasive technologies could be used for patient- 
individualized and functional treatment of ACL injury.

01 Fig 1 Recruitment Summary as of June 1 2013

02 Fig 2 Actual vs goal recruitment as of June 1 2013


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