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2013 ISAKOS Congress Wrap Up

On behalf of the ISAKOS Executive 

Committee and Board of Directors, I would 

like to personally thank all who attended

the 9th Biennial ISAKOS Congress, held in 

Toronto, Canada! Toronto was a fantastic host 

city, and we hope you enjoyed the variety of 

activities the city had to offer.

The 2013 ISAKOS Congress had more than 3,000 attendees. While not an ISAKOS record, attendance by 
participants from 83 different countries proves the value physicians see in attending an ISAKOS Congress. 

More than 1800 abstracts were submitted for the 2013 ISAKOS Congress, and only 800 were accepted 
for presentation as a scientific paper or electronic poster. This represents a 44% acceptance rate, and is 

demonstrative of the competition to participate in the ISAKOS Congress program. We are thrilled that the 
ISAKOS Congress is a highly respected and sought after meeting to attend and present at.

Special thanks are due to the more than 750 presenters who contributed electronic posters, scientific paper 

presentations and lectures to the ISAKOS Congress – we could not have accomplished our ambitious scientific 
program without your efforts!

On a personal note, I would like to thank the Pre-Course chairs for their hard work in developing their individual 
programs. The Pre-Courses were attended by nearly 600 people, and represented a wide variety of topics, 

including Advances in Knee: Patellofemoral Instability, ACL Reconstruction and Meniscal Repair, chaired by 
Allen Anderson, David Parker, and Willem van der Merwe; Clinical Research Methods: From Idea to Publication, 

chaired by Robert Marx and Stephen Lyman; International Update on Surgical Controversies of the Shoulder 
and Elbow, chaired by Guillermo Arce and Felix Savoie, III; and ISAKOS & FIFA–Key Issues and Challenges in 

Safety and Health in Soccer, chaired by Bert Mandelbaum and Moises Cohen. Online courses based on the 
content provided by these courses are currently under development! For more information on each of these 

courses, please see page 16.

ISAKOS continued the presentation of a Sports Rehabilitation Concurrent Course during the 2013 ISAKOS 
Congress. This course, entitled Global Perspectives for the Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainer, was geared 

towards physicians, athletic trainers, physiotherapists, and coaches concerned with the management or 
prevention of injuries for the athlete. This course was very successful with more than 130 participants! Special 
thanks to chairs, Trevor Birmingham, James Irrgang and Lynn Snyder-Mackler for their assistance in planning 

this very informational course. For more information on the Sports Rehabilitation Concurrent Course, please 
see page 17.

The ISAKOS Program Committee worked diligently to create a program with a variety of preventative, innovative 

and exciting topics, we are pleased to say we achieved our goal! We hope you enjoyed the 2013 ISAKOS 
Congress, and took new information home to use in your practice.

I would also like to thank and recognize the ISAKOS Office Team for their outstanding organization, 
professionalism and support.

We look forward to the next ISAKOS Congress and the next opportunity to engage in the worldwide exchange CONGRESS
and dissemination of knowledge that ISAKOS is famous for.

MAY 12–16, 2013 • TORONTO, CANADA


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