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Luis A. Vargas, MD, PhD, USA 

Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, BRAZIL

In May 2013, the first ever meeting between 

FIFA’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jiri Dvorak, and 
the Board of Directors of ISAKOS was held in Toronto 
just hours before the kick off of the Pre-Course 

ISAKOS & FIFA: Key Issues and Challenges in 
Safety and Health in Soccer.
The meeting enabled both sides to exchange ideas 
We realized that both have the same goals, focus on 
for mutual cooperation in the near future and the 
signing of an agreement to produce two important injury prevention and improving standards of care for 
athletes worldwide with the aim of protecting players’ 
events. The first one to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil 
February 2014, and the second one in 2016 in health, working on globalization to bring knowledge 
to communities, not yet well supported and preserve 
the city of Lyon, during the 10th Biennial ISAKOS the level of excellence in the places where they were 
already present.
Another major project to be undertaken is a traveling 
The idea of holding a course in partnership was 
fellowship involving physicians from regions indicated submitted to FIFA Medical Board and the Program 
by FIFA Board and the FIFA centers of excellence, 
with the aim of disseminating and maintaining the Committee of ISAKOS and was immediately accepted 
and supported by all.
FIFA/ISAKOS standard of excellence in areas which 
have not yet been created. The possibility of using a At the 2013 ISAKOS Congress in Toronto, a football 

single universal database in medicine and soccer was specific pre-course was successful, thanks to the 
also discussed.
participation of several important people very well 

FIFA has a design of medical care and surgeries for known in the football world, including some members 
of the Medical Board of FIFA, such as Dr. Jiri Dvorak, 
athletes in underserved areas, an important social 
and humanitarian gesture.
FIFA Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bert Mandelbaum and 
physiotherapist Mario Bizzini, who conducted the 
The two entities have in common among themselves program FIFA 11+.

the great global penetration, one spreading the 
science of football and the other, the science of 


We believe it is a perfect partnership and certainly will 
score many goals.

Just over a year ago, in conversation with Bert 

Mandelbaun MD, DHL (Physician US. Soccer 
Federation National Teams), we had the idea to 
create something together involving ISAKOS and 

FIFA, and the Congress in Toronto could be the first 
step to start a very promising relationship.

01 Standing: Benno Ejnimann, Jon Karlsson,

Jõo Espregueira Mendes, Luis Vargas, Paulo Lobo, 
Marc Safran, and Willem Van Der Merwe
Sitting: Philippe Neyrert, Jiri Dworak, Moiśs Cohen, 
Mario Bizzini, and Masahiro Kurosaka


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