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Growth Factors (GF) and Where are they?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) In plasma they are mainly produced by the platelets and 
stored in the α – granules within platelets. Their amount 

All PRP Are Not Alike
is correlated with the number of platelets. They are also 
synthesized by some tissues such as liver or fat tissue. Some 

similar proteins can be found outside the plasma in pituitary, 
kidneys, submandibular gland, lacrimal gland and Brunner 
Ramon Cugat, MD, PhD

Fundacín Garcia Cugat
How do they act?
Mutualidad de Futbolistas Espãoles– 
They are released from the cell that produces them or from 
Federacín Espãola de F́tbol their storage granules under thrombine action first then a 
Hospital Quiŕn Barcelona, SPAIN
cascade is initiated. They interact with a corresponding cell 

membrane receptor. They act as signals sent between cells 
to complete a specific activity extracellular or intracellular 

Additional Author:
amplifying the signal.

Francois Kelberine, MD
It is of great interest that the same package of GF acts 
Clinique Provencale Parc Rambot Aix en Provence, France
differently depending on the cellular environment: target 

tissue (muscle, tendon, cartilage,.) and timeframe of the 
healing process.

Greater understanding of the cell structure and function have What are they called and what do they do?
opened new fields of investigation for possible health benefits The names of the growth factors indicate their activity and/or 

of living beings.
origin. Here are some examples:
• PDGF(PlateletDerivedGF)ischemotacticforfibroblasts, 
To act, living cells must find a support or three-dimensional 
matrix and should receive stimuli from signaling molecules smooth muscle cells and leucocytes (3). It stimulates 
neutrophil phagocytosis, leads to the release of proteins 
and growth factors.
from neutrophils and monocytes. It initiates collagen 
This has led to a new specialty, Regenerative Medicine, synthesis and connective tissue replication.
which according to authors such as Greenwood (1) Anitua 
and Sanchez (2) among many others is an emerging field of • VEGF(VascularEndothelialGF)stimulatesangiogenesisby 
endothelial cells replication.
interdisciplinary research and clinical applications focused 
on the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells, tissues • TGF-β1(TransformingGF)belongstothefamilyofBMP 
(Bone Morphogenetic Proteins) among many others (4). Its 
or organs to restore impaired function from any cause, 
including congenital defects, disease and trauma. It uses a action is cell-dependant in relation with the environment. It 
limits (regulates) cell proliferation. It increases extracellular 
combination of technological approaches that go beyond 
traditional transplantation and replacement therapies. These matrix synthesis and inhibits its degradation. And it has an 
immunosuppressive effect (5).
approaches may include, but are not limited to, the use of 
stem cells, progenitor cells, soluble molecules, recombinant • EGF(Epidermalgrowthfactor)attractsfibroblastand 
stimulates its mitosis as well as keratinocyte, increases 
GF, biomaterials, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, tissue 
engineering and advanced cell therapy.
fibronectin and collagen synthesis. So it accelerates 
wound closure.
This article focusses on PRP and GF: what they are, how 
they are obtained, how they work and what benefits they can • FGFa&b(acidandbasicFibroblasticGF)stimulates 
proliferation of most cells involved in repair, is produced 
bring to the field of Orthopedic Surgery.
by numerous types of cells so their amount is not only 
What are Growth Factors (GF)?
correlated to the number of platelets.

They are proteins, key mediators that regulate activities • IGF(InsulinlikeGF)typeIorII,HGF(HepatocyteGF). 
especially hæmostasis and tissue repair. They are involved in They are not synthesized by platelets so they are not 
correlated to their amount. They induce cell proliferation,
almost all physiological healing processes. Some authors call 
them proteins, Differentiation Factors and Growth Factors.
differentiation and synthesis of type I collagen.

Many experimental, animal and clinical studies support 
that GFs promote hemostasis, cell proliferation, migration 

(chemotaxis) and differentiation. So they lead to angiogenesis, 
regeneration and extracellular matrix synthesis especially in 

acute injuries.


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