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Femoroacetabular Impingement
The physical exam usually demonstrates decreased 
internal rotation. The most important finding is the anterior 

impingement sign (Fig 1). It is considered positive when it 
elicits anterior hip pain during flexion, adduction and internal 

rotation. It is also important to clear spine pathology and 
inguinal hernia, because these conditions may mimic FAI.

Leandro Ejnisman, MD
FAI is classified in 3 types: cam, pincer and mixed-type. 

Cam impingement refers to the femoral side. The femoral 
head-neck junction has a bony “bump”, and this bump 

impinges on the acetabular rim as the hip is flexed and 
internally rotated. The labral tissue can be detached at the 
Additional Author:
Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, USA chondrolabral junction. An acetabular cartilage flap can be 
seen adjacent to the labral tear.
ISAKOS Sports Medicine Committee
Pincer impingement refers to bony impingement on 

the acetabular side. It can be caused by global or focal 
overcoverage of the femoral head. Global overcoverage 
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a common cause of occurs in cases of coxa profunda and protrusio acetabuli. 
hip pain in the athlete. It is important for a sports medicine 
Normally, the acetabular floor is lateral to the ilioischial line. 
physician to be able to diagnose and treat this condition In cases of coxa profunda, the acetabular floor is medial to 
because a delay in the diagnosis can lead to a longer period 
the ilioischial line. In cases of protrusio acetabuli, the femoral 
of recovery and return to sport. Moreover, FAI is a cause for head is medial to the ilioischial line. Focal overcoverage 
early hip osteoarthritis; and early intervention is indicated in 
is seen in cases of acetabular retroversion. In pincer 
order to avoid severe chondral damage.
impingement, the labrum is usually degenerated and labral 

Clinical Presentation
cysts can be found.

Patients typically present with inguinal pain, which might The most common type of FAI is the mixed-type, representing 
present with traumatic or insidious onset. The pain may 75% of patients. Pincer and cam characteristics co-exist in 

also be referred to the lateral thigh, inner thigh and buttocks. the same patient. On the femoral side, a high alpha angle 
Activities involved in this condition are sports with a rotational is found, and on the acetabular side, overcoverage signs 
are present. Surgical findings can demonstrate a bruised 
demand on the hip, such as soccer, ice hockey, football, 
rugby and skiing. Patients frequently complain about pain or degenerated labrum, which might be detached from the
acetabular rim, suggesting a mixed pattern of labral injury.
during prolonged sitting.

Radiographs are of paramount importance in FAI 

investigation. Many physicians neglect their use, and 
order only a MRI. The x-ray will often evaluate the hip bony 

morphology better than the MRI. Proper position during 
radiographs is essential because minor pelvic inclination may 

alter FAI radiographic findings.

The anteroposterior pelvic x-ray is evaluated. One must 
look for signs of pincer impingement. The cross-over sign 

is diagnostic of focal overcoverage. The acetabular walls 
should cross in the lateral aspect of the acetabulum. When 

the cross-over sign is present, the posterior and anterior 
wall cross before the lateral aspect of the acetabulum. The 
acetabular center-edge angle is measured, as well as the 

joint space.



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