ISAKOS Congress 2021

ISAKOS 2021 Global Congress Faculty


Horacio F. Rivarola-Etcheto, MD

Hospital Universitario Austral
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA

- Past President of the Argentine Arthroscopy Association (AAA) 2018-2020 - SLARD Board Member 2024-2026 -Knee Arthroplasty Committee Member (ISAKOS) 2023-2025 -Traveling Fellowship Committee (ISAKOS) 2023-2025 -American Journal of Sports Medicine Reviewer -Chief of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Hospital Universitario Austral -Chief of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Hospital Fundación Favaloro

On Demand
90 minutes
On Demand Program On Demand Knee Sessions
Instructional Course Lecture
Management of High-Grade Medial-Sided Knee Injuries
On Demand
90 minutes
On Demand Program On Demand Knee Ligament Sessions
Instructional Course Lecture
Posterior Cruciate Ligament: What's New?


No Financial Conflicts to Disclose
All relevant financial disclosures have been mitigated.