Current Members: Pay Dues Online
Current members can pay dues online within myMembership in myISAKOS--simply click the blue Pay Dues button.
Dues must be paid in full in order to receive journal subscriptions.
New Member Information
ISAKOS was established to develop, support, and promote
charitable, scientific, and literary works that disseminate and further the
increased knowledge of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports
medicine. ISAKOS works with regional and local societies that share similar
goals, providing a larger arena where these national societies and continental
organizations can combine their strengths in an international forum.
Medical doctors qualified as orthopaedists, musculoskeletal surgeons, rheumatologists,
or the equivalent, from all countries, who are in good medical standing in their country of residence as
determined by a membership committee of the society. Active members are entitled to vote at all meetings of
the membership, hold office, apply for ISAKOS Research Grants, list Approved Courses and Teaching Centers,
and receive discounted registration rates at the ISAKOS Congress and courses.
Active Membership can only be awarded pending review at a meeting of the Membership Committee.
The ISAKOS Membership Committee reviews all eligible Active Membership upgrades twice a year, and/or before and after ISAKOS Congresses, and must be received at the ISAKOS Office one month prior to the meeting.
To be considered for Active Membership, applicants must:
- Have completed all required sections of the online application
- Be current on dues owed
- Have at least one Sponsorship Request approved by an Active, Emeritus, or Honorary ISAKOS Member
- Have attended at least one ISAKOS Congress
Unless otherwise indicated, Associate Members meeting the requirements for Active membership
will automatically be forwarded for Active consideration at the next
Membership Committee meeting.
Individuals who demonstrate interest or ability in the fields
of medicine or science and who have demonstrated an interest in arthroscopy, knee surgery,
and orthopaedic sports medicine shall be eligible. Associate members are not eligible
to hold office in the society and shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the members
of the society. Associate members receive reduced registration rates at the ISAKOS Congress
and courses. Requirements for Associate Membership include:
- Complete all required sections of the online application
- Complete a Sponsorship Request online
- Submit a dues payment of US $409
currently enrolled in a Residency or Fellowship Program, as well as Medical Students,
are eligible for up to five years of free In-Training ISAKOS Membership.
- Residents
Qualified physicians who practice medicine in a relevant specialty under the direct or indirect supervision of a senior clinician registered in that specialty.
- Residents must submit proof of residency and length of residency, including a verified letter of residency from program Chair, or equivalent proof of residency (PDF).
Individuals categorized as board-qualified specialists pursuing training in a subspecialty related to arthroscopy, knee surgery, or orthopaedic sports medicine.
- Fellows must submit proof of fellowship and length of fellowship, including a verified letter of fellowship from program Chair, or equivalent proof of fellowship (PDF).
Medical Students
Medical students enrolled in a course of study related to arthroscopy, knee surgery, or orthopaedic sports medicine leading to qualification as a Doctor of Medicine.
- Students must submit proof of student enrollment and length of schooling, including a verified letter of student enrollment from a professor, or equivalent proof of continuing education (PDF).
In-Training members are not eligible to vote at Society meetings, hold office in the Society, or be upgraded to Active Membership.
Upon the conclusion of an In-Training Membership, the member has the option to upgrade to Associate Membership without having to reapply for membership.
Individuals other than medical doctors, including professors,
registered nurses, physical therapists, scientists, and physician's assistants with an
interest in arthroscopy, knee surgery, and orthopaedic sports medicine. Allied Specialty
members are not currently eligible to vote at Society meetings, hold office in the Society,
or be upgraded to Active Membership. Allied Specialty members automatically qualify for
the reduced Allied Health registration rate at the ISAKOS Congress and courses.
Any member of ISAKOS in good standing who has been an Active Member
for more than fifteen (15) consecutive years, is 70 years of age or
older, and is no longer is practicing or employed in the fields of
arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine may request
to become an Emeritus Member. If approved, individuals may become/remain
inactive by request, if they continue to meet the requirements for active
membership. Emeritus members shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of
the Society or hold elected office in the Society. Emeritus Members
receive select member benefits; access to additional subscriptions
such as OrthoEvidence and the Journal of Arthroscopy are currently
not included.
Medical doctors qualified as orthopaedists, musculoskeletal surgeons, rheumatologists or the
equivalent from all countries who have had their dues paid through group membership, can be
accepted as group members upon approval by the Board of Directors. Group members may be
eligible for select member benefits. Group members shall not be entitled to voting privileges.
ISAKOS gratefully acknowledges the support for countries with limited resources provided by: