Thank you for your interest in registering for the 2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany!
Registration will be processed by our Official Congress Partner, Kenes Group.
All prices are given in US dollars. Fees apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines.
Please note: Registration will not be processed until payment is received.
Jan 1-Mar 31
After April 1
Member Physician*
US $999
US $1,099
Non-Member Physician
US $1,549
US $1,749
Non-Member Presenter/Faculty
US $1,099
US $1,199
Allied Health**
US $599
US $699
US $599
US $699
Exhibitor Representative†
US $949
US $1,149
Accompanying Persons§
US $149
US $169
Jan 1-Mar 31
After April 1
Member ††
US $699
US $799
Non-Member ††
US $899
US $999
Instructional Course Lectures (ICLs)
No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Meet the Expert Sessions
No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Lunch Time Sessions
No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Welcome Reception
No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Accompanying Persons Program§
US $129 (Early Rate)
Young Professionals Social
US $25
Women of ISAKOS Luncheon
No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Munich Metro Ticket Zone M-5
US $45
*Active, Associate, and Emeritus Members Only. Members are required to have paid all dues owed to ISAKOS. If dues are not paid prior to registering, they
will be requested at the time of registration.
**Allied Health and Resident/Fellow Registrants must provide proof of status prior to picking up badge onsite.
Those who are unable to provide proof of status will be asked to pay the full registration price onsite.
***Medical Students are invited to register under the Resident or Fellow category and will be asked to provide a verifiable proof of medical school. Those who are unable to provide proof of status will be asked to pay the full registration price onsite.
†Exhibitor representative must provide proof of affiliation (business card) with the exhibiting company and a photo ID in order to receive their badge onsite.
Badges will not be given to anyone other than the individual named on the badge.
†† Individuals interested in attending the Surgical Skills Pre-Course Workshop will be asked to first complete an application questionnaire to ensure that admitted participants are able to experience the best level of surgical skills training.
Congress Registration is required to register for a Pre-Course Workshop. A limited number of spaces have been reserved for attendees from developing countries.
ISAKOS is pleased to offer this registration at $100 off the full Pre-Course Rate. Discounted rate will automatically be applied upon check out.
§ Full Congress registration required for add on. Accompanying Persons registration is limited to guests of Congress attendees and provides access to the Exhibit Hall, Opening session, and Welcome Reception only. Access to Congress scientific sessions or other events is not included.
ISAKOS is pleased to offer discount tickets for the Munich Metro for all attendees of the Biennial Congress. Valued at over $65, the four day tickets allow attendees access to the complete City of Munich, including the Convention Center and Airport.
Attendees may register for the 2025 ISAKOS Congress online using their credit card
(American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa). Simply follow the instructions on our secure site to register.
Please note: Registration will not be processed until payment is received.
Registrants can pay for their registration fees in two ways: credit card or wire transfer.
Credit Card - American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa will be accepted. Please note that charges will be processed immediately
when the registration is completed. If your credit card is declined, please try another card or contact the ISAKOS Office about alternate forms of payment.
Wire Transfer - Wire transfers are only available by contacting the ISAKOS 2025 Registrar. Wire transfers must be accompanied
by a Wire Transfer Authorization form. An additional $30 USD bank fee is required. Please ensure that the name of the Congress and
of the participant are stated on the bank transfer. Bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid at source
in addition to the registration fees. Registration will only be valid upon
receipt of the full payment by the registration department according to the deadline indicated. An email confirming registration will only
be sent after receipt of the required fees.
ISAKOS is pleased to announce that two categories of registration scholarships will be awarded for the 15th Biennial ISAKOS Congress!
Up to 100 scholarships are available to young professionals or individuals from a country with limited resources. Additionally, up to eight (8) scholarships are
available to young female orthopaedic surgeons from a country with limited resources to support travel to, and attendance at the Congress.
Recipients will receive a 50% discount on registration to the 2025 Congress, June 8-11 in Munich, GERMANY. More details,
including eligibility and application requirements can be found below. The deadline to submit applications is Ocotber 31, 2024.
For group registration of 3 delegates or more, companies are requested to contact the ISAKOS 2025 Registrar at
Cancellations will be subject to a US $50 processing fee and may take up to three weeks to be processed.
All cancellations must be sent by email to
Note, in case of cancellation at any stage, bank transfer handling fee (US $30) will not be refunded – applicable to Bank Transfer payments only.
- Cancellations received up and including January 31, 2025: full refund.
- Cancellations received between February 1 until March 31, 2025: 50% will be refunded.
- Cancellations received from April 1, 2025: no refund will be made.
Badge pick up is scheduled to open on Saturday June 7, 2025. Date is subject to change.
Attendees will be able to pay for their onsite registrations in US dollars in cash or by credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa accepted).
Registration will be open every day at the International Congress Center München during the following hours:
Saturday, June 7 |
13:30 - 17:00 |
Congress Registration Opens |
Sunday, June 8 |
06:00 - 17:30 |
Monday, June 9 |
06:30 - 17:30 |
Tuesday, June 10 |
07:00 - 17:30 |
Wednesday, June 11 |
07:30 - 17:00 |
Information provided regarding visas and passports is supplied as a courtesy. ISAKOS is NOT responsible for any errors, changes,
or omissions in the information listed above. Please consult your consulate or embassy when planning your travel.
For more detailed travel, visa, and customs information, visit the Congress Travel page.
A PDF Invitation Letter is available to download for all attendees of the ISAKOS Biennial Congress upon completion of registration.
The ISAKOS Biennial Congress is a private meeting for medical personnel. Non-exhibiting personnel may be allowed to attend only with ISAKOS approval.
Please contact for requests.
Educational Programming Options
ICLs offer immersion in an important topic and may feature an engaging mix of didactic lecture, case presentations, and a robust discussion and Q&A.
Instructional Course Lectures are included in the registration fee of the Congress. Registration for individual ICL sessions is not required for the
2025 ISAKOS Congress. Space is on a first-come, first served basis.
Renowned leaders in the field share their unique perspective and experience on emerging issues in these highly interactive, limited-attendance sessions.
ISAKOS invites attendees to engage with ISAKOS Experts in small group case-based discussions on a wide range of topics including management of
massive rotator cuff tears, managing instability in the hip, elbow-wrist treatment, approaches to the off-track glenoid track lesion, ligaments
of the knee, TKA revision, food and ankle injuries, articular cartilage, and shoulder instability management. Registration for Meet the Expert
Sessions is included in the registration fee of the Congress. Due to limited space, ISAKOS suggests all attendees register as soon as possible for
their Meet the Expert Session of choice.
Sponsored by Industry, these non-CME sessions are offered Sunday through Wednesday to Congress attendees. Lunch Time Sessions are included in
the registration fee and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Confirmed registrants will receive more information on how
to select lunch sessions closer to Congress.
Under the direct supervision of experienced surgeons from around the globe, Congress registrants will have the chance to
practice cutting-edge surgical techniques. This is a rare opportunity to refine your skills with personalized guidance
from leaders in the field. These intensive workshops provide practical learning opportunities enhanced by expert-led
surgical demonstrations with maximum time for hands-on lab sessions supplemented by focused lectures, case presentations,
and discussion. Individuals interested in attending the Surgical Skills Pre-Course Workshop will be asked to first complete
an application questionnaire to ensure that admitted participants are able to experience the best level of surgical skills training.
Congress Registration is required to register for a Pre-Course Workshop. A limited number of spaces have been reserved for
attendees from developing countries. ISAKOS is pleased to offer this registration at $100 off the full Pre-Course Rate.
Discounted rate will automatically be applied upon check out.
The Welcome Reception will be held on Sunday, June 8, 2025 from 17:30-19:00. This networking opportunity is one of the highlights of the Congress.
Congress attendees and their guests will have the chance to reunite with colleagues and friends.
This activity does not include entertainment.
Enjoy the ISAKOS Congress as a registered guest for the week in Munich. Full Congress registration is required in order to
add an Accompanying Persons registration. The program includes access to the ISAKOS Exhibit Hall, Welcome Reception and Opening Session.
Access to Congress scientific sessions or other events is not included. Accompanying persons are welcome to
join attendees for morning coffee in the Exhibit Hall.
Sunday, June 8, 2025 | 21:00 - Herrschaftszeiten - Das Paulaner im Tal
Join us at Herrschaftszeiten - Das Paulaner im Tal for the Young Professionals Social during the
2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich! This special event offers an incredible opportunity to connect with
fellow young professionals (age 45 and under) and network with international experts in a relaxed and
engaging atmosphere. Don’t miss this chance to meet with colleagues and leaders shaping the future
of orthopaedics! Tickets are $25 per attendee and include two drink tickets.
This activity does not include entertainment.
Sunday, June 8, 2025 | 12:15 - 13:15
We invite the women of ISAKOS, including all female members, presenters and attendees at the 2025 Congress to
join us at the Women of ISAKOS Luncheon for the opportunity to network and engage with ISAKOS leaders and their peers.
Invitations to the luncheon, which is hosted by the ISAKOS Gender & Diversity Task Force, will be sent closer to Congress.
This activity does not include entertainment.
ISAKOS is pleased to offer discount tickets for the Munich Metro for all attendees of the Biennial Congress.
Valued at over $65, the four day tickets allow attendees access to the complete City of Munich,
including the Convention Center and Airport. Tickets will be distributed at registration during badge pick up.
ISAKOS Membership
Attendees who are ISAKOS Active and Associate members must be current on all dues payments prior to registering for the Congress,
to receive the Member Registration Rate. Members will not be allowed to register at the Member Registration Rate for the 2025 Congress
unless all outstanding dues are paid in full to the society. Only Active, Associate, and Emeritus membership categories will receive
discounted registration rates to the ISAKOS Congress.
If attendees wish to become an Associate member of ISAKOS to register for the Congress at the Member rate, they must submit a completed
ISAKOS membership application prior to registering for the Congress before May 1, 2025.
Applications for ISAKOS membership may be completed online at Applications for new ISAKOS memberships
must be received by the ISAKOS Office by May 1, 2025 to receive the discounted Congress registration rate. Those who wish to join after the deadline date are encouraged to register for the Congress as a non-member and apply for membership using promo code NEW2025 (starting August 1) which adds the remainder of 2025 membership year for free.
The ISAKOS Membership Committee will meet following the Congress to review members with Associate Membership status for promotion to Active Membership status.
Associate members must be current in their dues, have sponsors, and have attended at least one ISAKOS Congress to be
considered for Active Membership.