2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany


Thank you for your interest in registering for the 2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany! Registration will be processed by our Official Congress Partner, Kenes Group.

Registration Fees

All prices are given in US dollars. Fees apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines. Please note: Registration will not be processed until payment is received.

Jan 1-Mar 31
After April 1
ISAKOS Congress Registration
Member Physician* US $999 US $1,099
Non-Member Physician US $1,549 US $1,749
Non-Member Presenter/Faculty US $1,099 US $1,199
Allied Health** US $599 US $699
Resident/Fellow*** US $599 US $699
Exhibitor Representative† US $949 US $1,149
Accompanying Persons§ US $149 US $169
Jan 1-Mar 31
After April 1
Pre-Course Surgical Skills Workshop
Member †† US $699 US $799
Non-Member †† US $899 US $999
Educational Programming Options
Instructional Course Lectures (ICLs) No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Meet the Expert Sessions No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Lunch Time Sessions No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Social Activities
Welcome Reception No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Accompanying Persons Program§ US $129 (Early Rate)
Young Professionals Social US $25
Women of ISAKOS Luncheon No Additional Fee – Included in Registration
Munich Metro Ticket Zone M-5 US $45

*Active, Associate, and Emeritus Members Only. Members are required to have paid all dues owed to ISAKOS. If dues are not paid prior to registering, they will be requested at the time of registration.
**Allied Health and Resident/Fellow Registrants must provide proof of status prior to picking up badge onsite. Those who are unable to provide proof of status will be asked to pay the full registration price onsite.
***Medical Students are invited to register under the Resident or Fellow category and will be asked to provide a verifiable proof of medical school. Those who are unable to provide proof of status will be asked to pay the full registration price onsite.
†Exhibitor representative must provide proof of affiliation (business card) with the exhibiting company and a photo ID in order to receive their badge onsite. Badges will not be given to anyone other than the individual named on the badge.
†† Individuals interested in attending the Surgical Skills Pre-Course Workshop will be asked to first complete an application questionnaire to ensure that admitted participants are able to experience the best level of surgical skills training. Congress Registration is required to register for a Pre-Course Workshop. A limited number of spaces have been reserved for attendees from developing countries. ISAKOS is pleased to offer this registration at $100 off the full Pre-Course Rate. Discounted rate will automatically be applied upon check out.
§ Full Congress registration required for add on. Accompanying Persons registration is limited to guests of Congress attendees and provides access to the Exhibit Hall, Opening session, and Welcome Reception only. Access to Congress scientific sessions or other events is not included.
ISAKOS is pleased to offer discount tickets for the Munich Metro for all attendees of the Biennial Congress. Valued at over $65, the four day tickets allow attendees access to the complete City of Munich, including the Convention Center and Airport.

Registering Online

Methods of Payment


Group Registration

Cancellations & Refunds

On-Site Registration and Badge Pick-Up

Passport and Visa Requirements

Press Registration

Educational Programming Options

Instructional Course Lectures (ICLs)

Meet the Expert Sessions

Lunch Time Sessions

Pre-Course Surgical Skills Workshops

Social Activities

ISAKOS Membership

ISAKOS Members

Applying for ISAKOS Membership