ISAKOS Global Connection

Individual Giving: ISAKOS Annual Fund

What is the ISAKOS Annual Fund?

The ISAKOS Annual Fund's main objective is to ensure that the Society is able to fund and implement education and research initiatives created to support the needs of our membership worldwide. The Annual Fund seeks support every year from both existing and new donors.

How Can I Donate to the Annual Fund?

Give a Gift to the ISAKOS Annual Fund:

Give Today

ISAKOS thanks you for your generous gift to the ISAKOS Annual Fund.

Why Give?

The growth and success of ISAKOS and our specialty depends on the Society's ability to offer high-quality research and education programs to our members.

Your gift to the Annual Fund will make an instant impact on the Society's ability to carry out our mission, help us plan for the future of the Society and ensure that ISAKOS strategic initiatives become a reality.

How Will My Annual Fund Donation Be Recognized?

Annual Fund donors are recognized year-round, and highlighted at the Biennial Congress. Recognition includes:

  • Your name listed on Annual Fund recognition signage at the Biennial Congress
  • Donor ribbon at the ISAKOS Congress
  • One invitation to the Global Connection Reception at the ISAKOS Congress
  • Name listed on the ISAKOS website's Annual Fund webpage
  • Name listed in one issue of the ISAKOS Biannual Newsletter

Thank You to ISAKOS Annual Fund Donors

Arciero, Robert MD
Botto-van Bemden, Angie PhD, ATC, CSCS
Codjoe, Paul MD
Cugat Bertomeu, Ramon MD, PhD
Curtis, Alan MD
de la Fuente, José Próspero MD
Enginsu, Müjdat MD
Fritsch, Brett MBBS BSc(Med), FRACS, FAOrthA
Gili, Federico MD
Harner, Christopher MD, FAOA
Hetsroni, Iftach MD, Associate Prof.
Hoo, Charles dr. SpOT (K)
Jesalpura, Jaimeen MD
Jontschew, Dimitr MD
Maheshkumar , Jyothiprasanth DNB Dorth
Metsavaht, Leonardo MD PhD
Nakamura, Norimasa MD, PhD
Osorio, Juan MD
Panagopoulos, Andreas Professor
Papakostas, Emmanouil MD, FEBSM
Rajan, David MS(Orth), MNAMS(Orth), FRCS(G)
Regusci, Matteo MD
Reider, Bruce MD
Rosales, Ruben A.
Ruthner, Roberto MD
Skarpas, George Prof.
Soler, Patricio MD
Sun, Luning PhD
Takeda, Yoshitsugu MD, PhD
Thiagarajan, Palaniappan MD
Vezina, Francois MD, FRCSC
Were, Oyoo MMed, IOC Dip Sp Phy
Yoshiya, Shinichi MD
Zapf, Matthew MD
Zhang, Chao
Zhao, Jinzhong MD

Annual Fund donors are recognized online for one year after their contribution.