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Hip Arthroscopy: Current Advances Similarly, the same authors demonstrated that the 

and Scientific Evidence
labrum was the primary hip stabilizer to distraction 
forces at small displacements, which may explain 

hip microinstability with loss of labral function. 
Clinically, the importance of labral preservation 

was emphasized in several studies. Dippman et 
al. showed that improvements in pain and function 
after labral repair was most significant from 3 to 6 

months postoperatively. In a systematic review, 
Ayeni et al. demonstrated better clinical outcomes 

with labral repair compared to labral debridement. 
In a retrospective review of early hip arthroscopy 

procedures with labral d́bridement, Krych et al. 
reported only modest outcomes with a 45% failure 

rate. In cases where the labrum has been excised 
or is not repairable, a systematic review by Ayeni et 
al. demonstrated that labral reconstruction can have 

short-term improvement in patient pain and function.

As surgeons we strive to improve outcomes in our 
patients. A Scandinavian expert group described 

the development of a hip registry with its baseline 03
data, which will provide for future scientific work. In 

The correct diagnosis of hip pathology remains addition, it is important to use valid, reliable, and 
responsive instruments to objectively assess patient 
challenging. This is highlighted by a survey study 
that showed the majority of surgeons were unsure outcome. Levy et al. highlight multimodal analgesia 
of evidence supporting the best clinical test for as a safe and effective method of providing a high 

FAI. Ayeni et al. showed that maximal squat test satisfaction rate of patients undergoing outpatient 
had only limited diagnostic ability, and may not be hip arthroscopy. Intra-operatively, Sa and colleagues 
demonstrated that the alpha angle is a good 
clinically helpful to distinguish whether CAM-type 
FAI is symptomatic in a patient. A radiographic clue predictor of outcome and represents a simple, 
reproducible and inexpensive guide that can be 
reported by Ji and colleagues may be herniation 
pits on the femoral head-neck junction, as the used. Postoperatively, comprehensive rehabilitation 
is a key component to successful outcome in 
prevalence was higher in symptomatic patients 
with pincer-type FAI. In some cases, diagnostic hip any of these procedures. In failure of primary hip 
arthroscopy, the results of revision hip arthroscopy 
injections are routinely used in these challenging 
cases to differentiate pain sources. However, at medium-term follow-up reported by Aprato et al. 
Ayeni et al. report that pain relief from a local demonstrated that outcomes can improve, but may 

anesthetic injection may not be a good predictor not be as successful as in primary hip arthroscopy.
of arthroscopic management of FAI, but no pain 

relief from this injection predicts a high likelihood 
of a negative result from surgery. For therapeutic 

purposes, Krych et al. report that cortisone injection 
had only limited value as the average pain relief 

duration was only 10 days. However, hyaluronic 
acid demonstrated more optimistic results in a 

prospective trial of twenty patients with decreased 
pain scores and improved function at 12 months.

The acetabular labrum is theorized to have the roles 
of intra-articular fluid pressurization and hip stability. 

In a cadaveric model, Philippon et al. found that 
partial labral resection decreased intra-articular fluid 

pressurization, and labral repair (better with through 
suture techniques over looped suture techniques) 

or labral reconstruction was able to restore 
pressurizations to the intact state.



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