2017 ISAKOS Biennial Congress Faculty


Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD

University of Minnesota

Dr. Arendt received her Orthopaedic training at University of Rochester, NY, followed by a fellowship in Sports Medicine at University of Minnesota. Her clinical and research activities have centered on injuries that are more common in females; in particular injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament and the patellofemoral joint. She has enjoyed high visibility and clinical expertise in the field of the patellofemoral joint. She is the team physician for women’s volleyball and basketball at her university, and past team physician for USA Hockey (1990-1994). She has held a number of administrative roles in Athletics both nationally and locally. She was the Medical Director for Men and Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Minnesota for 20 years, stepping down in 2010. She was appointed to the NCAA Medical Safeguard Committee (6 years) and the President’s Council for Physical Fitness and Sport (8 years). She currently serves on the Academic Advisory Board for the IOC Diploma in Sports Medicine. She has been a committee member and chair for a number of organizations including AAOS, AOSSM, ESSKA, and ISAKOS. She was the godmother to the AOSSM traveling fellows in 2014. She received the Founders Award for the best in Sports Medicine from AMSSM in 2005, and the Patellofemoral Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016 and the AOSSM 2021 George D. Rovere Award for Education. She has authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and 40+ book chapters.

Sat 06/03
11:00 - 12:00
Room 2-3 Session V: Challenges in Patella instability

Sat 06/03
11:30 - 11:40
Room 2-3 Session V: Challenges in Patella instability
Surgical Video
Surgical Technical Points on MPFL Reconstruction
Sat 06/03
11:40 - 12:00
Room 2-3 Session V: Challenges in Patella instability
Discussion & Case Presentations
Sun 06/04
10:40 - 10:45
Room 2-4: Concurrent 4 Knee: Patellofemoral Joint
Trochlear Development in Children From One Month To 10 Years Of Age
Presenting Author
Sun 06/04
11:15 - 11:30
Room 2-4: Concurrent 4 Knee: Patellofemoral Joint
Award Presentation
Patellofemoral Research Excellence Award - Winning Presentation
Sun 06/04
13:30 - 14:15
Room 2-4: Concurrent 4 Knee - Patellofemoral & High Rotating Knee
Scientific Paper Block
Paper #69-75: Patellar Instability
Mon 06/05
07:30 - 09:00
Room 1-5 ICL #7
Instructional Course Lecture
How to Strategically Manage Complex Patellar Instability
Mon 06/05
07:40 - 07:50
Room 1-5 ICL #7
Current role of TTO in 2017
Mon 06/05
14:50 - 14:55
Room 2-4: Concurrent 4 Knee - Pain
Morphology of Patellofemoral (PF) Cartilage Wear Location in Cartilage Restoration Patients Without Known PF Instability
Tue 06/06
14:15 - 15:05
Room 301: General Session Knee: MCL & Patellar Stabilization
Surgical Demonstration
Patellar Stabilization
Thu 06/08
07:30 - 09:00
Room 2-5 ICL #29
Instructional Course Lecture
Habitual Patella Dislocation
Knee - Patellofemoral
Primary Lateral Patella Dislocations: Evaluating Injury Patterns by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Presenting Author
Knee - Patellofemoral
The Value of Instrumented Testing on the Patellofemoral Clinical Evaluation
Presenting Author


Paid Consultant for Smith & Nephew
Editorial or Governing board of American Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of ISAKOS, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Board of Directors member for American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

All relevant financial disclosures have been mitigated.