ISAKOS: 2023 Congress in Boston, MA USA

2023 ISAKOS Biennial Congress Paper


Low Rates of Five-Year Secondary Surgery and Postoperative Complications after Primary Hip Arthroscopy in over 30,000 Patients

Stephen M. Gillinov, AB, New Haven, CT UNITED STATES
David Kim, BS, New Haven UNITED STATES
Jay Moran, BS, New Haven UNITED STATES
Michael Lee, BA, Milwaukee, Wisconsin UNITED STATES
Scott Fong, BA, San Francisco UNITED STATES
Ronak Mahatme, BS, Farmington UNITED STATES
Jacquelyn Simington, BS, New Haven UNITED STATES
Jade S Owens, BS, Chicago, IL UNITED STATES
William M McLaughlin, MD, New Haven, CT UNITED STATES
Jonathan Grauer, New Haven, CT UNITED STATES
Andrew Jimenez, MD, Chicago, Illinois UNITED STATES

Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, UNITED STATES

FDA Status Not Applicable


In this large national study of primary hip arthroscopy, 90-day adverse events were low at 1.28%, and the five-year secondary surgery rate was 4.9%; age less than 20 years, female sex, and obesity were risk factors for secondary surgery, suggesting the need for increased surveillance in these patient groups.



Hip arthroscopy is frequently used to treat femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and labral tears. However, large cross-sectional studies documenting rates and predictors of revision surgery at midterm follow-up after primary hip arthroscopy are lacking.


To evaluate 90-day complications, five-year secondary surgery rates, and risk factors for secondary surgery following primary hip arthroscopy performed for FAI and/or labral tears using a large national dataset.


A retrospective analysis was conducted using the PearlDiver Mariner151 database. Patients with International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 diagnosis codes for FAI and/or labral tear undergoing primary hip arthroscopy with femoroplasty, acetabuloplasty, and/or labral repair between 2015 and 2021 were identified. Those with concomitant ICD-10 codes for infection, neoplasm, or fracture were excluded, as were patients with a history of prior hip arthroscopy or total hip arthroplasty (THA), or age >70 years. Rates of complications within 90 days of surgery were assessed. Five-year rates of secondary surgery—revision hip arthroscopy or conversion to THA—were determined by Kaplan-Meier analysis, and risk factors for secondary surgery were identified by multivariate logistic regression.


A total of 31,623 patients underwent primary hip arthroscopy from October 2015-April 2021, with annual volumes ranging from 5,340 to 6,343 surgeries per year. Femoroplasty was the most frequent surgical procedure (performed in 81.1% of surgical encounters), followed by labral repair (72.6%) and acetabuloplasty (33.0%). Ninety-day postoperative complication rates were low, with 1.28% of patients experiencing any complication. The five-year secondary surgery rate was 4.9% (N=915 patients). Multivariate logistic regression identified age<20 years (OR, 1.50; P<0.001), female sex (OR, 1.33; P<0.001), class I obesity (BMI 30-34.9 kg/m2: OR, 1.30; P=0.04), and class II/III obesity (BMI>35.0 kg/m2: OR, 1.29; P=0.02) as independent predictors of secondary surgery.


In this study of primary hip arthroscopy, 90-day adverse events were low at 1.28%, and the five-year secondary surgery rate was 4.9%. Age less than 20 years, female sex, and obesity were risk factors for secondary surgery, suggesting the need for increased surveillance in these patient groups.