ISAKOS: 2023 Congress in Boston, MA USA

2023 ISAKOS Biennial Congress ePoster


A New Type of Complication in the Paediatric Population with Open Growth Plates after ACL Reconstruction Results in the Changement of Alignment of the Joint Line

Urszula E. Zdanowicz, MD, Warsaw POLAND
Carolina medical Center, Warsaw, mazowieckie, POLAND

FDA Status Not Applicable


A new type of complication in the paediatric population with open growth plates after ACL reconstruction results in the changement of alignment of the joint line's orientation, resulting in the knee's pivoting mechanism.

ePosters will be available shortly before Congress


Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are thought to be increasing in the paediatric population. ACL reconstruction in children with open growth plates can be challenging, and the fear of bone block formation with secondary long limb axis deformation is always there.
In our patient population, we discovered a new type of late complication that hasn't been described previously. We analyzed 284 ACL reconstructions in children with the follow-up of four years.
We discovered a new complication type: there was no single bone block formation, but the whole lateral part of the distal femoral and medial part of the proximal tibial growth plate closed earlier than the other part. It did not change the limb alignment. However, it did change the joint line's orientation, resulting in the knee's pivoting mechanism.
In this study, we analyze the frequency of this complication, possible risk factors and preventive measures that could be taken.