Dario Santos, PhD

Hospital de Clinicas - Universidad de la Republica
Montevideo URUGUAY

Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Clinical Biomechanics, University Hospital. Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Montevideo. Uruguay. Professor (Associate) Coordinator of Scientific Methodology of the Medical Technology University School - EUTM- UdelaR. Degree in Physiotherapy – Master in Medical Sciences and Doctor in Medical Sciences (Ph D) ;Universidad de la República- Physiotherapist specializing in Knee Rehabilitation, British Hospital, Montevideo. Expertice at: 1º) Joint mobilization based on the biomechanical principles of Mac Conaill and Kaltenborn. 2º) Mulligan Concept (manual therapy with movement). 3º) Mackenzie Method (mechanical diagnosis and therapy, MDT). In the context of my research, clinical activity and teaching, I promote interdisciplinary integration on studies of musculoskeletal clinical biomechanics with special emphasis on the knee: including mechanical and computer engineering aspects to rehabilitation and specialists related to locomotive system.