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Results : 676 Media Items
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 63 minutes rating (4)
Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZIL
Knee Ligaments Instability Autograft ACL Pediatric / Adolescent Female Athletes Gender Specific Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population
Approach to Musculotendinous Injuries in High Performance Athletes Ferran Abat, MD, PhD, SPAINOverview on Tendinopathies Christopher C. Kaeding, MD, UNITED STATESManagement of the Tennis Leg Injury in Sports Franco Della Vedova, ARGENTINASurgical Treatment of Proximal Ischiotibialis Injuries Carlos A. Guanche, MD, UNITED STATESClinical Cases on Lower Limb Musclotendinous Injuries in High-level Soccer Athletes Kanto Nagai, MD, PhD, JAPANVideo-Analysis of Muscle Injuries in Professional Footballer Players Francesco Della Villa, MD, ITALY
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 89 minutes group rating (1)
Ferran Abat, MD, PhD, SPAIN
Ankle / Foot / Calf Muscle Biologics Hip / Groin / Thigh Tendon MRI Ultrasound Basic Science Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Preventative Sports Medicine
Big Data, Machine Learning and the Rise of Algorithmic Sports Medicine: When Will We Be Replaced by AI? Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENBig Data, Machine Learning and the Rise of Algorithmic Sports Medicine: When Will We Be Replaced by AI? Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENOverview of Machine Learning and its Current Application in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ayoosh Pareek, MD, UNITED STATESMOON Group use of big data in ACL management Robert A. Magnussen, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESResearch writing using AI: a LIVE exploration of ¨ Chat_GPT ¨ pandora box Matthieu Ollivier, Prof, MD, PhD , FRANCEWhoever holds the data owns the future : AI, data ownership and the future of surgical decision making Brett A. Fritsch, MBBS BSc(Med), FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIABad data, Bad AI, Bad Idea Magnus Forssblad, SWEDENDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 64 minutes group rating (1)
Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDEN
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Knee Instability Repair / Reconstruction Ligaments MRI Biomechanics Epidemiology MC Ligament LC Ligament
Ensuring Good Results from Primary ACL Reconstruction Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAIndications for ACL Reconstruction, Including the Role of Non-operative Management Jacques Menetrey, Prof., SWITZERLANDPreoperative: Overall Plan/Prehabilitation/Timing Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAGraft Choice for Primary ACLR Simon Ball, MA, FRCS(Tr&Orth), UNITED KINGDOMTechnical Aspects of Surgery Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIARole of Anterolateral Augmentation Yee-Han Dave Lee, MBBS, FRCS(Ortho), SINGAPOREAnterolateral Augmentation Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPost-operative Management Peter T. Myers, AM, MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPost-op Management Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 91 minutes group rating (7)
Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA
Knee Repair / Reconstruction Instability Ligaments ACL Physical Examination MRI Exercise Physiology Team Physician Rehabilition / Physical Therapy
How to Manage Muscle Injuries in 2023 Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATESIntroductionStats and Current Approaches to Hamstrings/Adductors Lasse Lempainen, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, FINLANDStats and Common Approaches to Quad/Calf Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYStats and Current Approaches for Pec/Prox Biceps Peter T. Myers, AM, MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPanel Discussion/Case Challenges/Global Perspective
2023 Congress Symposium Video 46 minutes group rating (2)
Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATES
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Shoulder Hip / Groin / Thigh Muscle Tears
Injury Prevention in Sports Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYImportance of prevention in Sports Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYAnkle Ligament Injuries Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATARShoulder Ligament Injuries Gazi Huri, Prof. MD, QATARKnee Ligament Injuries Lynn Snyder-Mackler, PT, ScD, FAPTA, UNITED STATESThe New ACL Paradigm Bert Roland Mandelbaum, MD, DHL(Hon), UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 52 minutes group rating (1)
Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALY
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Shoulder Ligaments ACL Hip / Groin / Thigh Trauma Impingement Instability
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 45 minutes rating (1)
David C. Flanigan, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Meniscus Tears Repair / Reconstruction Elderly Sport Specific Population Medial Lateral Physical Examination X-ray
PRP and BMAC: Clinical Applications and Evidence Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIAIntroduction Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIAPlatelet-Rich Plasma: How to Fill the Gap Theodorakys Marín Fermín, MD, VENEZUELABone Marrow Aspirate: Do We Need to Concentrate it? Jacob Giovanni Calcei, MD, UNITED STATESAugmentation in ACLR and Meniscal Repair Claudia Arias, MD, PERUArthritis Rachel M. Frank, MD, UNITED STATESMuscle Tears and Tendinopathies Franco Della Vedova, ARGENTINACartilage Lesions Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIADiscussion
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 90 minutes group rating (2)
Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIA
Biologics Osteoarthritis Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Cartilage Arthritis Tears Evidence Based Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Knee Shoulder
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 61 minutes Not yet rated
Shoulder Tears Repair / Reconstruction Glenohumeral Rotator Cuff Bones Tendon Ligaments Labrum Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 41 minutes rating (2)
Knee Tears Repair / Reconstruction Sport Specific Population Meniscus Medial Lateral MRI Sutures / Knots / Anchors
SLARD: Shoulder Instability in Contact Sport Athletes Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINACase Discussion: 24-year old Cross Fit. Pain and Instability. Abnormal Glenoid Retroversion Fabio Restrepo Tello, MD, COLOMBIACase Discussion: 21-year old Overhead Contact Athlete. Pain and Instability. MRI Anterior Labral plus Biceps Lesion Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICOCase Discussion: 22-year old Rugby Player. Bilateral Instability. MRI Labral Damage Mario V. Larrain, MD, ARGENTINA
2023 Congress Partner Society Symposium Video 56 minutes group rating (1)
Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINA
Shoulder Instability Arthroscopy Glenohumeral Labrum Physical Examination MRI CT-Scan Sutures / Knots / Anchors
Subtalar Instability: What is It? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar (pseudo) instability: sense or non-sense!? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar Joint Anatomy and Pathomechanics: what do we know anno 2023 Frederick Michels, MD, PhD, BELGIUMA History of Subtalar Instability, what is the reach of conservative treatment? Bruno S. Pereira, MD, PhD, Prof., PORTUGALSubtalar instability in young and old, when conservative treatment fails! Kenneth J. Hunt, MD, UNITED STATESSubtalar instability and osteochondral defects, what can we do? Cristian Alejandro Ortiz, MD, CHILEDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (1)
Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDS
Ankle / Foot / Calf Instability Ligaments Fracture Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Autograft Basic Science Joints Bones
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF rating (1)
Daniel T. Oliveira, MD, MSc, PhT, BRAZIL
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Osteoarthritis Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Knee Cartilage Meniscus Physical Examination MRI Cartilage Injuries
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Instability Outcome Studies Double Bundle Knee Ligaments Tears Physical Examination CT-Scan Arthroscopy
Tadanao Funakoshi, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Instability Repair / Reconstruction Sport Specific Population Shoulder Glenohumeral Capsuloligamentous Complex Ligaments Labrum Physical Examination