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Results : 21 Media Items
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 rating (1)
Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE Robert A. Magnussen, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
Sport Specific Population Knee Patellofemoral Ligaments Dislocation Instability X-ray MRI CT-Scan Practice Management
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 rating (5)
Christopher D. Harner, MD, FAOA, UNITED STATES
Knee Meniscus Medial Lateral Sprain MRI Sutures / Knots / Anchors
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 Not yet rated
Mark Glazebrook, MD, PhD, MSc, FRCS(C), CANADA
Alessandro Lelli, MD, ITALY
Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair Laurent Lafosse, MD, FRANCEArthroscopic Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair Stephen S. Burkhart, MD, UNITED STATESArthroscopic Latissimus Dorsi Transfer Jean Kany, MD, FRANCEDiscussion Richard L. Angelo, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES Ronald L. Diercks, Prof, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDS Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 group rating (4)
Shoulder Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Glenohumeral Outcome Studies Capsuloligamentous Complex Muscle Physical Examination
Arthroscopic Landmarks: Where to Drill Every Tunnel and the Best Way to Get There Willem M. van der Merwe, MBChB, FCS(SA)Ortho, SOUTH AFRICA Freddie H. Fu, MD, UNITED STATESExtra Articular Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEDiscussion Freddie H. Fu, MD, UNITED STATES Werner Van Der Merwe, MBChB, FCS, SOUTH AFRICA Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 group rating (1)
Knee Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Instability Arthroscopy Anterolateral Ligament ACL Capsuloligamentous Complex Single Bundle Double Bundle
Biceps Tenodesis Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINAArthroscopic Stabilization of the AC Joint Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion GIOVANNI DI GIACOMO, MD, ITALY
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 group rating (7)
Shoulder Sport Specific Injuries Arthroscopy Acromio Clavicular Bones Capsuloligamentous Complex Tendon Ligaments Dislocation Trauma
Lateral Closing Wedge HTO Peter T. Myers, AM, MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA Peter J. Fowler, MD, FRCSC, CANADAMedial Opening Wedge HTO David A. Parker, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACS, AUSTRALIA Peter J. Fowler, MD, FRCSC, CANADADiscussion David A. Parker, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACS, AUSTRALIA Mark G. Clatworthy, FRACS, NEW ZEALAND Peter J. Fowler, MD, FRCSC, CANADA Robert Litchfield, MD, FRCSC, CANADA Peter T. Myers, AM, MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA Eiichi Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Sam Oussedik, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOM Christopher J. Vertullo, MBBS, PhD, FRACS(Orth), AUSTRALIA
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 group rating (3)
Knee Bones Cartilage Tendon Osteoarthritis Arthritis Physical Examination X-ray MRI Arthroscopy
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 rating (2)
Darren L. Johnson, MD, UNITED STATES
Latarjet Demo and Discussion GIOVANNI DI GIACOMO, MD, ITALY Gilles Walch, MD, FRANCE Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAHill Sachs Remplissage Demo and Discussion Stephen S. Burkhart, MD, UNITED STATES Eiji Itoi, MD, PhD, JAPAN Philippe Landreau, MD, UNITED ARAB EMIRATESPosterior Bankart Arthroscopic Repair Demo and Discussion Seung-Ho Kim, MD, PhD, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPAN Jiwu Chen, MD, PhD, CHINA
Surgical Demonstration Video 2015 group rating (6)
Shoulder Instability Dislocation Sport Specific Injuries Outcome Studies Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction Glenohumeral Labrum Posterior Pain
Thomas G. Sampson, MD, UNITED STATES
Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, UNITED STATES