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Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic Kitasando Shibuya, Tokyo JAPAN ISAKOS Active Member
Dealing with Bone Defects in Shoulder Instability Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAIN Patrick S. H. Yung, MBChB, FRCS(Orth), FHKCOS, FHKAM, FRCS, HONG KONGOpen Latarjet Giovanni Di Giacomo, MD, ITALYArthroscopic Latarjet Chunyan Jiang, MD, PhD, CHINAFree Bone Graft Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANDAS Procedure Clara Azevedo, MD, PhD, PORTUGALRemplissage Patrick J. Denard, MD, UNITED STATES
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 75 minutes group rating (13)
Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAIN Patrick S. H. Yung, MBChB, FRCS(Orth), FHKCOS, FHKAM, FRCS, HONG KONG
Shoulder Instability Arthroscopy
Innovative Techniques In Elbow ArthroscopyArthroscopic Diagnosis of Elbow Instability Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAArthroscopic Instability Repair Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESPosterior Impingement Syndrome of Elbow in Throwing Athletes Jin-Young Park, MD, KOREA, REPUBLIC OFDistal Biceps Endoscopy Deepak N. Bhatia, MS(Orth), DNB(Orth), INDIAArthroscopic Management of Arthritis and Stiffness Jiuzhou Lu, MD, PhD, CHINAStaying Safe in Elbow Arthroscopy Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPAN
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 2021 group rating (18)
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Arthroscopy Instability Arthritis Impingement Endoscopy Repair / Reconstruction
2019 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Takeshi Morioka, MD, JAPAN
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Ligaments Tears MRI Sport Specific Injuries Outcome Studies Medial Collateral Ligament
2019 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Toshinobu Omiya, MD, JAPAN
Shoulder Glenohumeral Bones Capsuloligamentous Complex Dislocation Instability Arthro-MRI Epidemiology
How to do Bristow Procedure Better Guoqing Cui, MD, CHINA21-Year-Old Olympic Judo Athletes with Anterior shoulder Instability - My Basic Priciples on Soft Tissue Bankart Repair Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANThe Role of Remplissage and Other Tricks to Succeed Giovanni Di Giacomo, MD, ITALYLatarjet vs. Arthroscopic Bankart First Time Dislocation Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
2017 Congress Symposium Video 58 minutes group rating (6)
Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
Shoulder Glenohumeral Capsuloligamentous Complex Dislocation Instability Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction Labrum Arthro-MRI Autograft
Overview of stiffness and rotator cuff repair Jiwu Chen, MD, PhD, CHINACan cuff repair surgery indications be modified by the pre-operative stiffness? Bruno Toussaint, MD, FRANCENew Thoughts on Evaluation and Management of Stiffness in Rotator Cuff Injuries Seung-Ho Kim, MD, PhD, KOREA, REPUBLIC OFCause and management for shoulder stiffness after rotator cuff repair Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANUndue Tension of RTC and Postoperative Shoulder Stiffness Dai Xuesong, MD, PhD, CHINACase-based discussion Jiwu Chen, MD, PhD, CHINA
2017 Congress Symposium Video 58 minutes group rating (14)
Jiwu Chen, MD, PhD, CHINA
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tendon Stiff Joints Tears Repair / Reconstruction Capsuloligamentous Complex Arthroscopy Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury Subescapular Tendon Injury
2017 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Kazuhiro Shibayama, MD, JAPAN
Shoulder Tears Repair / Reconstruction Sutures / Knots / Anchors
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Akimoto Nimura, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Shoulder Acromio Clavicular Capsuloligamentous Complex Ligaments Basic Science Biomechanics Repair / Reconstruction
Norimasa Takahashi, MD, JAPAN
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tendon Tears Ultrasound Long Head Biceps Tendon Injury
Introduction Pericles P. Papadopoulos, Prof., GREECEEvaluation and Diagnosis of Posterior Shoulder Instability Kevin P. Shea, MD, UNITED STATESArthroscopic posterior soft-tissue stabilization - labral repair, capsular shift and RHAGL-reconstruction Christian Gerhardt, MD, GERMANYPosterior Subluxation of the Shoulder in Young Athletes Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANFailure of Treatment of Posterior GH Instability - Recurrrent MDI and Chronic Pain Philippe P. Hardy, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEDiscussion Pericles P. Papadopoulos, Prof., GREECE
2015 Congress Symposium Video 72 minutes group rating (6)
Pericles P. Papadopoulos, Prof., GREECE
Shoulder Glenohumeral Capsuloligamentous Complex Instability Arthroscopy Ligaments Dislocation Labrum Outcome Studies Arthro-MRI
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2015 Not yet rated
Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIA
Latarjet Demo and Discussion Giovanni Di Giacomo, MD, ITALYHill Sachs Remplissage Demo and Discussion Stephen S. Burkhart, MD, UNITED STATESPosterior Bankart Arthroscopic Repair Demo and Discussion Seung-Ho Kim, MD, PhD, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
2015 Congress Surgical Demonstration Video 128 minutes group rating (6)
Shoulder Instability Dislocation Sport Specific Injuries Outcome Studies Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction Glenohumeral Labrum Posterior Pain
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Capsuloligamentous Complex Tendon Basic Science Rupture Tendon
Arthroscopic Reconstruction with Bone Graft Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANArthroscopic Reconstruction with Bone Graft Discussion Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANSLAP Repair: New Techniques and Biomechanics W. Jaap Willems, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSSLAP Repair: New Techniques and Biomechanics Discussion W. Jaap Willems, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSBiceps Tenodesis Klaus Bak, MD, DENMARKBiceps Tenodesis Discussion Klaus Bak, MD, DENMARK
2013 Congress Surgical Demonstration Video 2013 Not yet rated
Shoulder Glenohumeral Arthroscopy Bones Dislocation Physical Examination Impingement Instability Posterior Pain MRI
Introduction James R. Andrews, MD, UNITED STATESRecognizing Pathomechanics Philippe P. Hardy, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCERehabilitation William B. Kibler, MD, UNITED STATESSurgical Treatment of the Throwing Shoulder Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPANDiscussion James R. Andrews, MD, UNITED STATES
2013 Congress Symposium Video 2013 Not yet rated
James R. Andrews, MD, UNITED STATES
Shoulder Preventative Sports Medicine Team Physician Sport Specific Injuries
Souichirou Kitayama, MD, JAPAN
Shoulder Glenohumeral Bones Dislocation Fracture CT-Scan Medical Aspects Outcome Studies Arthroscopy
Glenohumeral Dislocation Sport Specific Injuries
Royalties received from ZimmerSpeaker for Mitek, Smith & Nephew, StrykerUnpaid Consultant for Mitek, Smith & NephewEditorial or Governing board of Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery