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Results : 40 Media Items
2023 Congress Surgical Video Video 22 minutes rating (2)
Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALY
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Tendon Tears Arthroscopy Sport Specific Population Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Sport Specific Injuries
2023 Congress Surgical Video Video 31 minutes rating (2)
Pim Van Dijk, MD, PhD, MScEpi, NETHERLANDS
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Dislocation Achilles Tendon
Subtalar Instability: What is It? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar (pseudo) instability: sense or non-sense!? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar Joint Anatomy and Pathomechanics: what do we know anno 2023 Frederick Michels, MD, PhD, BELGIUMA History of Subtalar Instability, what is the reach of conservative treatment? Bruno S. Pereira, MD, PhD, Prof., PORTUGALSubtalar instability in young and old, when conservative treatment fails! Kenneth J. Hunt, MD, UNITED STATESSubtalar instability and osteochondral defects, what can we do? Cristian Alejandro Ortiz, MD, CHILEDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (1)
Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDS
Ankle / Foot / Calf Instability Ligaments Fracture Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Autograft Basic Science Joints
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Kristoffer W. Barfod, MD, PhD, Prof., DENMARK
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Trauma Repair / Reconstruction Basic Science Achilles Tendon
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF rating (1)
Christel Charpail, MD, FRANCE
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Trauma Practice Management Epidemiology Rehabilition / Physical Therapy Sport Specific Injuries Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies Achilles Tendon
Rachel E Cherelstein, BS, UNITED STATES
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction
Michail Kotsapas, MD, MSc, GREECE
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Tears Endoscopy Elderly Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Muscle Physical Examination MRI
Mohammad T Azam, BS, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Sport Specific Population Posterior Pain Physical Examination MRI Preventative Sports Medicine Exercise Physiology
Sailesh Vardhan Tummala, MD, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Ligaments Sprain Gender Specific Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Bones Capsuloligamentous Complex Cartilage Muscle
Kenneth J. Hunt, MD, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Outcome Studies Achilles Tendon
Introduction Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAClassification Updates Gregory A. Hoy, FRACS, FAOrthA, FACSP, FASMF, AUSTRALIAThrower's Elbow: Valgus-Extension Overload Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALYThe Medial Side: Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction (Open Tommy-John Procedure) Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALYThe Lateral Side: My Open Approach to LUCL Injuries Gregory A. Hoy, FRACS, FAOrthA, FACSP, FASMF, AUSTRALIAThe Lateral Side: Two Arthroscopic Approaches to LUCL Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESAcute and Chronic Biceps Ruptures: Open Repair Techniques Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIABiceps Endoscopy Simplified Deepak N. Bhatia, MS(Orth), DNB(Orth), INDIAAcute and Chronic Triceps Ruptures: Open Repair Techniques Roger van Riet, MD, PhD, Prof., BELGIUMArthroscopic Triceps Repair Technique Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESArthroscopic Management of Epicondilitis Roger van Riet, MD, PhD, Prof., BELGIUM
2021 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 80 minutes group rating (58)
Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIA
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Tendon Arthroscopy Tears Repair / Reconstruction Ligaments Instability Endoscopy Trauma MRI
2021 Congress Abstract Presentation Video 6 minutes Not yet rated
Michael T. Freehill, MD, UNITED STATES
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Tears Biomechanics Sutures / Knots / Anchors Pediatric / Adolescent Ankle / Foot / Calf Knee Shoulder Acromio Clavicular Elbow / Wrist / Hand
2021 Congress Abstract Presentation Video 5 minutes Not yet rated
Nasef Mohamed N. Abdellatif, MD, PhD., EGYPT
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Trauma Physical Examination X-ray MRI
2021 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF rating (1)
Apostolos Polyzos, MD, GREECE
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Tears Arthroscopy Physical Examination MRI Outcome Studies Achilles Tendon
Ankle / Foot / Calf Tendon Tears Endoscopy Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Trauma Physical Examination X-ray MRI