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Results : 116 Media Items
The IOC's Approach to Prevent Injury and Illness in Olympic Athletes Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEInjuries and Illnesses during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Summer GamesScience and the IOC: Consensus StatementClimate Changes and the Olympic Games Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATESMedicine, Injury and the impact of Covid in the Tokyo Olympic Games Daisuke Araki, MD, PhD, JAPANAn Example: Ankle Sprain in an Olympic Year Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSConclusion: Experiences with the Paris Olympic Games
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 82 minutes group rating (11)
Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Team Physician Preventative Sports Medicine
How to Revise ACL Successfully Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEYIntroduction Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEYWhy does ACLR fail? Mary K. Mulcahey, MD, UNITED STATESPreparation for Revision ACL Surgery Rik Kundra, MD, FRCS(Orth), MFSEM(UK), DipSportsMed, UNITED ARAB EMIRATESGraft Options in Revision ACL Surgery Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENManagement of the tunnels: Single or Two-Staged Revision ACL Surgery? Rainer Siebold, Prof. Dr. med., GERMANYCombined Procedures with Revision ACL Surgery (ALLR, Osteotomy) Mathieu Thaunat, MD, FRANCECase Presentations, Q&A
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 92 minutes Not yet rated
Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEY
Knee Ligaments Instability Failed Capsuloligamentous Complex Repair / Reconstruction ACL X-ray MRI CT-Scan
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Sailesh Vardhan Tummala, MD, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Ligaments Gender Specific Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Bones Capsuloligamentous Complex Cartilage Muscle Tendon
Cale A. Jacobs, PhD, UNITED STATES
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Sport Specific Injuries Knee Ligaments MRI Ultrasound ACL
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Ligaments Pediatric / Adolescent Sport Specific Population Joints Physical Examination Preventative Sports Medicine Rehabilition / Physical Therapy Sport Specific Injuries Biomechanics
David Barastegui, MD, PhD, MSc, SPAIN
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Sport Specific Injuries Biologics Ankle / Foot / Calf Cartilage Joints Osteoarthritis MRI Research Arthroscopy
2021 Congress Abstract Presentation Video 5 minutes Not yet rated
Janani Gopalakrishnan, MD (Sports Medicine), INDIA
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Biomechanics Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Trauma Impingement Tears Basic Science Sport Specific Injuries
2021 Congress Abstract Presentation Video 7 minutes Not yet rated
Nacime Salomao Barbachan Mansur, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Ligaments Arthroscopy Trauma Instability CT-Scan Sport Specific Injuries
2021 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Seth C. Gamradt, MD, UNITED STATES
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Bones Joints Dislocation Fracture MRI
Elite Athlete Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILCase Presentation and Discussion
2021 Congress Symposium Video 71 minutes group rating (12)
Seth L. Sherman, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Cartilage Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction MRI Cartilage Injuries
Introduction Maria Tuca, MD, CHILEClinically Relevant Anatomy & Biomechanics of the Posteromedial Corner Alan Getgood, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), DipSEM, QATARHealing Potential of Medial-Sided Knee Injuries: Setting the Limits of Conservative Treatment Matthew Salzler, MD, UNITED STATESACL + High-Grade Medial-Sided Injury: Keys to Success in this Classic Combination Joan Carles Monllau, MD, PhD, Prof., SPAINRepair of Medial-Sided Injuries: When and How? Horacio F. Rivarola-Etcheto, MD, ARGENTINAPosteromedial Corner Reconstruction: Indications & Techniques Maximiliano Scheu, MD, MMSc, CHILEDiscussion
2021 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 93 minutes group rating (53)
Maria Tuca, MD, CHILE
Knee Ligaments MC Ligament Instability Repair / Reconstruction Physical Examination X-ray MRI Capsuloligamentous Complex Practice Management
Quad Tendon ACL: Where We Are Now Masahiro Kurosaka, MD, JAPAN Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINAQuad Tendon ACL: Results and Complications Daniel C. Wascher, MD, UNITED STATESSoft Tissue Partial Thickness Quad Graft For ACL Harvest and Recovery of Function Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAThe All Soft Tissue Quad Tendon ACL: Surgical Technique and Future Directions John Xerogeanes, MD, UNITED STATESMinimal Invasive Quad Tendon Harvest for ACL Reconstruction Technique and Outcome Christian Fink, MD, Prof., AUSTRIA
2021 Congress Symposium Video 55 minutes group rating (8)
Masahiro Kurosaka, MD, JAPAN Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINA
Knee Ligaments Instability ACL Autograft Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Sport Specific Injuries Single Bundle Physical Examination
Daniel Charen, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments ACL Female Athletes Gender Specific Cartilage Meniscus Medial Lateral Instability
Brandon Erickson, MD, UNITED STATES
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Glenohumeral Biomechanics Failed Pediatric / Adolescent Shoulder Preventative Sports Medicine Exercise Physiology
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Pediatric / Adolescent Preventative Sports Medicine Sport Specific Injuries Biomechanics Evidence Based Medicine Medial Collateral Ligament