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Amsterdam University Medical Centers Amsterdam NETHERLANDS ISAKOS Active Member
Advances in the Athlete’s Foot and Ankle Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATAR Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Yasuhito Tanaka, Prof., JAPANThe Unstable Athlete’s Ankle Megan R. Wolf, MD, UNITED STATESThe Athlete’s Ankle Cartilage Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSThe State of the Art of Syndesmosis Injury Atsushi Teramoto, MD, PhD, JAPANArthroscopic Lateral Ligament Reconstruction Bruno Christian Richard Olory, MD, QATARUltrasound Guided Repair of the Lateral Ligaments of the Ankle Soichi Hattori, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 71 minutes group rating (15)
Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATAR Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Yasuhito Tanaka, Prof., JAPAN
Ankle / Foot / Calf Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Cartilage Instability
The IOC's Approach to Prevent Injury and Illness in Olympic Athletes Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEInjuries and Illnesses during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Summer GamesScience and the IOC: Consensus StatementClimate Changes and the Olympic Games Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATESMedicine, Injury and the impact of Covid in the Tokyo Olympic Games Daisuke Araki, MD, PhD, JAPANAn Example: Ankle Sprain in an Olympic Year Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSConclusion: Experiences with the Paris Olympic Games
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 82 minutes group rating (11)
Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Team Physician Sprain Preventative Sports Medicine
Subtalar Instability: What is It? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar (pseudo) instability: sense or non-sense!? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar Joint Anatomy and Pathomechanics: what do we know anno 2023 Frederick Michels, MD, PhD, BELGIUMA History of Subtalar Instability, what is the reach of conservative treatment? Bruno S. Pereira, MD, PhD, Prof., PORTUGALSubtalar instability in young and old, when conservative treatment fails! Kenneth J. Hunt, MD, UNITED STATESSubtalar instability and osteochondral defects, what can we do? Cristian ALEJANDRO Ortiz, MD, CHILEDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (1)
Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDS
Ankle / Foot / Calf Instability Ligaments Fracture Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Autograft Basic Science Joints
Introduction Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYBone Marrow Stimulation Techniques for Osteochondral Lesions. The Tried and True Solution Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYOutcomes of HA BMAC for Talus Cartilage Repair Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYThe TOPIC Procedure for Talar Cartilage Lesions: An Affordable and Effective Alternative Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSEffects of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Autologous Protein Solution as Adjuvants to Bone Marrow Stimulation for Severe Talar Osteochondral Lesions Yoshiharu Shimozono, MD, PhD, JAPANDiscussion
2021 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 61 minutes group rating (18)
Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALY Kenneth J. Hunt, MD, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Cartilage Biologics Joints Arthroscopy Osteoarthritis Trauma Arthritis Autograft Cartilage Treatment
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2018 Not yet rated
Ankle / Foot / Calf Bones Cartilage Osteoarthritis CT-Scan Autograft Repair / Reconstruction Osteochondritis Cartilage Treatment Cartilage Injuries
2017 Congress Award Winner Web rating (1)
Suzanne Witjes, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDS
Knee Osteotomy
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Charles P. Hannon, MD, UNITED STATES
Ankle / Foot / Calf Ligaments Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies
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