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Results : 417 Media Items
BMAC and Adipose Stem Cells in Early and Advanced OA of Different Joints Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYBMAC and Adipose Stem Cells in Early and Advanced OA of Different Joints Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYAlone or with Arthroscopy Rachel M. Frank, MD, UNITED STATESBasic Science behind the Use of Adipose Tissue and BMAC in Orthopaedics Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATESHA-BMAC and Alignment Correction Katarzyna Herman, MD, POLANDCultured Adipose Derived Stem Cell vs Stromal Vascular Fraction Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPANDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 47 minutes group rating (2)
Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALY Dawid Szwedowski, MD, PhD, POLAND
Biologics Knee Cartilage Osteoarthritis MRI Patellofemoral Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies Stem Cell Therapy Cartilage Injuries
Restoring Articular Cartilage: Do Any of These Treatments Actually Work? Daniel Saris, MD, PhD, Prof., UNITED STATES Andreas H. Gomoll, MD, UNITED STATESIntroduction Daniel Saris, MD, PhD, Prof., UNITED STATESWhy Do They Fail and What is the Success of Cartilage Repair, Setting the Stage Andreas H. Gomoll, MD, UNITED STATESCell-based Solutions Made Easy, the MACI Option Deryk G. Jones, MD, UNITED STATESLarger and Bony Defects Grafts and Cells, How to Combine Deepak Goyal, MBBS, MS(Ortho), DNB(Ortho), Prof, INDIAThe Biomaterial Solution, Off the Shelf Success?! Elizaveta Kon, Prof., MD, ITALYWhen Biology Fails or Age is an Issue in Cartilage Lesions. The Mini-metal Option, When, Why and How? Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDEN
2023 Congress Symposium Video 46 minutes group rating (1)
Daniel Saris, MD, PhD, Prof., UNITED STATES
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Biologics Cartilage Basic Science Tears Osteoarthritis MRI Arthroplasty Allograft
2023 Congress Debate Video 32 minutes rating (1)
Constance R. Chu, MD, UNITED STATES Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATES
Biologics Cartilage Knee Cartilage Treatment
How to Investigate and Manage the Hidden Causes of the Unhappy TKR David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATESHow to manage and investigate the unhappy TKR David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATESHow to evaluate and manage the chronically infected TKR Magaly Iñiguez, MD, CHILEHow to manage the stiff TKR Francois M. Kelberine, MD, FRANCEHow to manage the chronically painful TKR Sam Oussedik, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMHow to manage the unstable TKR Willem M. van der Merwe, MBChB, FCS(SA)Ortho, SOUTH AFRICA
2023 Congress Symposium Video 44 minutes group rating (2)
David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Total Joint Replacement Infection Instability Stiff Joints Arthroplasty Physical Examination X-ray CT-Scan Failed
Legends in High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO) John A. Bergfeld, MD, UNITED STATES Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEIntroduction John A. Bergfeld, MD, UNITED STATES Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEHistory and Development of HTO – Closing WedgeThe European Experience with HTOHTO with Meniscus Transplantation or RepairHTO with Articular Cartilage RepairWhat Factors Determine the Outcome of HTOHTO and Arthroplasty Indications and PlanningDiscussion
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 86 minutes group rating (2)
John A. Bergfeld, MD, UNITED STATES Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Knee Osteotomy Bones Osteoarthritis Tibio - Fibular Cartilage Meniscus Tears Arthroplasty Total Joint Replacement
Shoulder Committee 2023 Consensus Statement: Shoulder Arthritis Across the Lifespan Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATESIntro to 2023 ISAKOS Shoulder Committee Consensus Statement: Shoulder Arthritis Across the Lifespan Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATESNon arthroplasty Treatment for Shoulder Arthritis Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAINDiscussionAnatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty-state of the world Denny T. T. Lie, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, SINGAPOREDiscussionReverse Shoulder Arthroplasty-State of the World Giovanni Di Giacomo, MD, ITALYDiscussionWhat have we learned about Arthroplasty from the Australian Registry Ashish Gupta, MBBS, MSc, FRACS, FAORTHOA, AUSTRALIADiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 65 minutes group rating (1)
Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATES
Shoulder Osteoarthritis Total Joint Replacement Glenohumeral Bones Cartilage Muscle Nerve Physical Examination X-ray
Middle-Aged Athlete’s Arthritic Knee Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEY Raghbir S. Khakha, MBBS, MSc, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMThe Role of Viscosupplementation and Orthobiologics George Skarpas, Prof., GREECEThe Role and Indications of Arthroscopy Horacio F. Rivarola-Etcheto, MD, ARGENTINAOsteotomies Around the Knee Michael E. Hantes, MD, PhD, Prof., GREECETreatment of Unstable Arthritic Knee of the Middle-Aged Athlete Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEYPrinciples of Rehabilitation John Nyland, EdD, DPT, UNITED STATESDiscussion, Q&A
2023 Congress Symposium Video 48 minutes group rating (4)
Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEY
Knee Biologics Osteoarthritis Osteotomy Outcome Studies Arthroscopy Bones Ligaments X-ray MRI
PRP and BMAC: Clinical Applications and Evidence Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIAIntroduction Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIAPlatelet-Rich Plasma: How to Fill the Gap Theodorakys Marín Fermín, MD, VENEZUELABone Marrow Aspirate: Do We Need to Concentrate it? Jacob Giovanni Calcei, MD, UNITED STATESAugmentation in ACLR and Meniscal Repair Claudia Arias, MD, PERUArthritis Rachel M. Frank, MD, UNITED STATESMuscle Tears and Tendinopathies Franco Della Vedova, ARGENTINACartilage Lesions Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIADiscussion
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 90 minutes group rating (2)
Juan Pablo Martinez-Cano, MD, MSc, PhD, COLOMBIA
Biologics Osteoarthritis Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Cartilage Tears Sport Specific Injuries Evidence Based Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Knee Shoulder
The Osteochondral Unit: Subchondral Bone Cartilage and Joints Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATESOverview of osteochondral repair towards tissue regeneration Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATESCurrent concepts in subchondral bone pathologies John G. Lane, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussionOptions for surgical treatment in 2023 João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALSubchondral lesions of the knee, treatment with the osteo-core plasty technique Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYMSC-based strategy Kazunori Shimomura, MD, PhD, Prof., JAPAN
2023 Congress Symposium Video 53 minutes group rating (1)
Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATES Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Knee Biologics Cartilage Osteoarthritis Stem Cell Therapy Synovial Bones MRI Basic Science
Tips and Tricks for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANYIntroduction Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANYThe Effect of Indications on the Outcomes and Complications of RSA Andrew Jawa, MD, UNITED STATESPreoperative Planning for RSA - Role of the Glenoid Joint Line and Humeral head height Ashish Gupta, MBBS, MSc, FRACS, FAORTHOA, AUSTRALIAOptimizing IR and ER with Reverse Replacement- What do the experts think? Jon Jp Warner, MD, UNITED STATESHow to avoid superior tilt?: Graft patient specific Francesco Franceschi, MD, Prof, ITALYDiscussion
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 80 minutes group rating (1)
Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANY
Shoulder Arthroplasty Glenohumeral Cartilage
TKA Registries Daniel C. Wascher, MD, UNITED STATESIntroduction to Registries Daniel C. Wascher, MD, UNITED STATESThe Different Types of Registries and What Data Should We Be Collecting Michael M. Decker, MD, MSc, UNITED STATESWho Should Own the Data and Who Should Pay for the Cost of Registries Simon W. Young, MD, FRACS, NEW ZEALANDThe Benefit of a Joint Registry Peter James McEwen, MBBS FRACS(Orth) FAOrthA DIpModLang , AUSTRALIADiscussion Daniel C. Wascher, MD, UNITED STATES
2023 Congress Symposium Video 31 minutes group rating (1)
Daniel C. Wascher, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Arthroplasty Total Joint Replacement Cartilage Osteoarthritis
Unicompartmental Knee Replacement Andrew James Price, DPhil, FRCS(Orth), UNITED KINGDOMUnicompartmental Knee Replacement: course objectives Andrew James Price, DPhil, FRCS(Orth), UNITED KINGDOMFinding the ideal patient for medial & lateral UKA - indications and contraindications Rodrigo Maestu, MD, ARGENTINASurgical technique - Fixed bearing medial & lateral UKA David S. Barrett, MD, B.Sc.,FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMMobile bearing medial and lateral UKA Paul Monk, DPhil (Oxon), FRCS, NEW ZEALANDRobotically assisted medial & lateral UKA Andrew D. Pearle, MD, UNITED STATESRobotically assisted or manual instruments? - Evidence review. Nanne P. Kort, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSDiscussion led by Martin Roche
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 47 minutes group rating (9)
Andrew James Price, DPhil, FRCS(Orth), UNITED KINGDOM
Knee Bones Arthroplasty
2023 Congress Debate Video 47 minutes rating (2)
Sebastien Lustig, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Knee Bones Arthroplasty Osteotomy
What's New on Sports After TKR? Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEFactors leading to return to sports after total knee replacement Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCERecommendations for sports participation after TKR Roland Becker, MD, PhD, Prof., GERMANYHTO/UKR/TKR which is the best option for RTS ? Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 43 minutes group rating (2)
Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Knee Arthroplasty Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Total Joint Replacement Bones Cartilage Rehabilition / Physical Therapy Osteotomy Osteonecrosis
Alignment Strategies in Total Knee Replacement Stephen M. Howell, MD, UNITED STATESOverview of 90 Minute Instructional Course Lecture: Alignment Strategies in Total Knee Replacement Stephen M. Howell, MD, UNITED STATESWhat Do Phenotype Classifications Tell Us About TKA Alignment Strategies? Michael T. Hirschmann, MD, Prof., SWITZERLANDWhy the Forgotten Joint Score is the Gold Standard for Assessing Alignment Strategies? Magaly Iñiguez, MD, CHILEDoes One TKA Alignment Have the Best Functional Outcome Scores? Claudia Arias, MD, PERUDoes Restoring Equal Gaps or Native Tibial Compartment Forces Balance a TKA? Sam Oussedik, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMWhy Restoring the Pre-Arthritic Joint Line is Essential in TKA Jong-Keun Seon, MD, PhD, Prof, KOREA, REPUBLIC OFDoes Restoring the Pre-Arthritic Phenotype and Medial Femoral Articular Surface Provide the Best Outcome Scores After TKA? Stephen M. Howell, MD, UNITED STATESDo Patellofemoral Kinematics Differ Between TKA Alignment Strategies? Sebastien Lustig, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Stephen M. Howell, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Arthroplasty Bones Osteoarthritis Total Joint Replacement