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Results : 78 Media Items
2025 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Giulio Maria Marcheggiani Muccioli, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, ITALY
Knee Muscle Physical Examination X-ray MRI
Post Traumatic Elbow Stiffness Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAAssessment and classification of Post Traumatic Elbow Stiffness Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAOpen osteo-capsular surgical techniques Andrea Celli, MD, ITALYArthroscopic management of Post Traumatic Elbow Stiffness Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALYAdvanced arthroscopic techniques for management of Post Traumatic Elbow Stiffness Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESOther concepts in management of Post Traumatic Elbow Stiffness Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIADiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 64 minutes group rating (1)
Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIA
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Arthroscopy Instability Medical Aspects Bones Capsuloligamentous Complex Ligaments Joints Arthritis Impingement
Post Traumatic Wrist Stiffness Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPANOverview of Wrist Stiffness Margaret W. M. Fok, FRCSEd(Ortho), MBChB, HONG KONGOpen Management for Wrist Stiffness Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPANArthroscopic Arthrolysis of the Stiff Wrist Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAAS and Open Management of Pronation – Supination Contracture Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPANNeurectomy Margaret W. M. Fok, FRCSEd(Ortho), MBChB, HONG KONGDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 59 minutes Not yet rated
Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Capsuloligamentous Complex Osteoarthritis Endoscopy Cartilage Joints
Tips for Improving Range or Motion with TKR and How to Manage the Stiff TKRPreop stiff knee : do I change my planning and cuts Nanne P. Kort, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSHow to deal with extensor system to improve ROM Peter James McEwen, MBBS FRACS(Orth) FAOrthA DIpModLang , AUSTRALIARules of rehabilitation to minimize stiffness Claudia Arias, MD, PERUArthroscopic arthrolysis and/or MUA Gabriel Carlos Baron, MD, CHILERevision TKA for stiffness Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEMy ten tips Francois M. Kelberine, MD, FRANCEDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 73 minutes group rating (1)
Francois M. Kelberine, MD, FRANCE
Knee Total Joint Replacement Arthroplasty Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Infection Arthritis Physical Examination Bone Scan CT-Scan
How to Investigate and Manage the Hidden Causes of the Unhappy TKR David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATESHow to manage and investigate the unhappy TKR David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATESHow to evaluate and manage the chronically infected TKR Magaly Iñiguez, MD, CHILEHow to manage the stiff TKR Francois M. Kelberine, MD, FRANCEHow to manage the chronically painful TKR Sam Oussedik, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMHow to manage the unstable TKR Willem M. van der Merwe, MBChB, FCS(SA)Ortho, SOUTH AFRICA
2023 Congress Symposium Video 44 minutes group rating (2)
David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Total Joint Replacement Infection Arthritis Instability Arthroplasty Physical Examination X-ray CT-Scan Failed
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Yoshitsugu Takeda, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Arthroscopy Gender Specific Tears Physical Examination MRI Outcome Studies
Carl W Imhauser, PhD, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments Instability ACL PCL Sprain Tears Basic Science Biomechanics Research
Toshihiko Izumi, MD,PhD, JAPAN
Shoulder Sport Specific Population Muscle Physical Examination Preventative Sports Medicine Rehabilition / Physical Therapy
Tomoya Iseki, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Outcome Studies Transplantation Elderly Knee Cartilage Basic Science Epidemiology Osteotomy Cartilage Treatment
Yasuhiko Sumimoto, MD, JAPAN
Shoulder Glenohumeral Capsuloligamentous Complex Physical Examination
Gloria Shoshana Coden, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Total Joint Replacement Osteoarthritis Arthritis Economic Analysis Arthroplasty
Shoulder Glenohumeral Arthroscopy Capsuloligamentous Complex
Highlights from the Inaugural ISAKOS Knee Arthroplasty Forum Myles R. J. Coolican, FRACS, AUSTRALIATransition to Outpatient Surgery Claudia Arias, MD, PERU Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEAlignment David A. Parker, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACS, AUSTRALIANew Technologies Sebastien Lustig, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCETKR with Deformity: Varus Knee David H. Figueroa, MD, CHILETKR with Deformity: Fixed Flexion Willem M. van der Merwe, MBChB, FCS(SA)Ortho, SOUTH AFRICATKR with Deformity: Valgus Knee Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 85 minutes group rating (23)
Myles R. J. Coolican, FRACS, AUSTRALIA
Knee Arthroplasty Total Joint Replacement
Advances in the Treatment of Joint Stiffness of the Elbow and Wrist Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALYClassification Alessandro Marinelli, MD, ITALYArthroscopic Osteocapsular Technique and its Limits Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIAOpen Osteocapsular Technique and its Limits Andrea Celli, MD, ITALYArthroscopic Release for Wrist Stiffness Riccardo Luchetti, PhD, ITALYNeurectomy Margaret W. M. Fok, FRCSEd(Ortho), MBChB, HONG KONGProximal Row Carpectomy for Stiff Wrist Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 63 minutes group rating (9)
Toshiyasu Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALY
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Joints Arthroscopy Arthroplasty
2021 Congress Abstract Presentation Video 6 minutes Not yet rated
Shoulder Glenohumeral Bones Sutures / Knots / Anchors Pediatric / Adolescent Cartilage Physical Examination MRI Cartilage Treatment Cartilage Injuries