James M. Linklater, MBBS(Hons), BMedSc, FRANZCR

Castlereagh Imaging

Dr James Linklater OAM MB BS (Hons), B Med Sci, DDU (1), FRANZCR Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Castlereagh Imaging Clinical Lecturer, University of Sydney James is a musculoskeletal radiologist working with Castlereagh Imaging since 1999. He currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer. He is a consultant radiologist with a number of professional sporting teams and has an active research program, with over 70 publications and regularly presenting at national and international meetings. He is an examiner for the RANZCR, is a past president of AMSIG and serves on the editorial board of Sport Health and is an active reviewer for several journals. In 2019 he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for services to medicine in the field of radiology.

ISAKOS Associate Member

Global Link Presentations