2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany

2025 ISAKOS Biennial Congress Paper


Comparision of Pullout Strength of Glenoid Suture Anchors: Cadaveric Study

Anant Kumar Singh, MS, Bhilai INDIA
Rajpriya hospital, RAIGARH, Chhattisgarh, INDIA

FDA Status Cleared


Comparion of pullout strength of glenoid suture anchor: cadaveric study



Arthroscopic stabilization using suture anchors is a common procedure done for shoulder instability. These anchors are either made of different biomaterials. The objective of this study is to compare the pullout strength of titanium, PEEK, Bioabsorbable and All-suture anchor. There are very limited studies in the literature which compare the pullout strength of all four different types of suture anchors. To best of our knowledge there are no study done in Indian population.


Twenty human cadaveric glenoids were dissected off all soft tissues attachments. Anchors were inserted in 5 different positions of glenoid in such a way that each type of anchor is inserted equal number of times in 5 positions. The prepared scapulas were tested in BISS universal testing machine. Cyclical load testing was done for each anchor. Parameters like 100 and 500 cycle displacement, Ultimate load to failure(ULF), mode of failure and position of failure were noted and analyzed.


Twelve anchors failed during 100 cycles and two anchors failed during 500 cycle displacement out of 72 anchors which were tested and happened only in 5:30 and 6:30 o’ clock position. The mean ULF was highest for Titanium anchor(145.96 ± 26.93) and least for biodegradable anchor(90.96 ± 17.01). Most of the anchors failed by anchor pull out. PEEK anchors and biodegradable anchors failed also by eyelet breakage.


Among four types of anchors tested ULF was highest for titanium anchors and least for biodegradable anchors. Most of the failures were in the suture anchors placed in inferior part indicating it as a possible weakest part. Suture pull out was the most common type failure noted with all types whereas eyelet breakage was seen with biodegradable and PEEK anchors.