2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany

2025 ISAKOS Biennial Congress Paper


Coraco Scapular Arch Line: A Simple Tool to Assess the Significant Glenoid Bone Loss

Krishna Kumar Muthu Korakki Jayaraman, DNB Ortho.,D ORTHO.,, Madurai , Tamilnadu INDIA
Subramanian K.N, MBBS,MS,MRCSEd,M.ChOrth,FRCS Orth,CCTOrth(UK), Madurai, Tamil Nadu INDIA

Velammal Medical College & Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA

FDA Status Not Applicable


The Coraco-Scapular Arch line on 3D CT scans is a simple and reliable method for accurately assessing significant glenoid bone loss in recurrent shoulder instability without relying on advanced software or complex mathematical indices.



Several methods have been reported to quantify the amount of glenoid bone loss. One of the most commonly used concepts described in the literature uses the diameter of the “best-fit circle” circumscribed around the inferior glenoid. Therefore, accurate preoperative quantification of glenoid bone loss is important to reduce the risk of recurrent dislocation after surgical stabilization. The Purpose of this study was to evaluate the Glenoid bone loss with the help of 3D CT scan of en face view of glenoid. We defined a line called Coraco scapular arch line to address glenoid bone loss in Recurrent shoulder instability. Coraco Scapular Arch line is the connecting the two lines one where the line anterior to the Coracoid and the second line is the anterior part of the scapula, imaginary line connects the two line is the Coraco-Scapular Arch line.


The study analysed 22 pathological shoulder from individual age 18 - 40 years.Using the 3D CT enface view of glenoid,The Coraco Scapular arch line was defined.The Best fit circle area and Surface area method were used to calculate the percentage of glenoid defect.


Out of 22 Patients 15 patients crossed the Coraco Scapular arch line and revealed a mean Glenoid defect of 19% using the Best fit circle area method. All the 15 had defect more than 15% bone loss constituting critical defects. The Coraco Scapular arch line of remaining 7 patients does not cross the line and showed a mean glenoid bone loss of 12.7% using the best-fit circle method


The Coraco - Scapular Arch line is a reliable and simple tool for assessing significant glenoid bone loss
allowing accurate evaluations without relying on advanced software or complex mathematical calculations like glenoid index or surface area method.