2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany

2025 ISAKOS Biennial Congress Paper

Mechanical Evaluation of Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Graft Fixation to the Tibia in ACL Reconstruction: Bone Plug Tensioning & Fixation/ BTF System Versus Interference Screw

Ryo Iuchi, MD,PhD, Amagasaki, Hyogo JAPAN
Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, Osaka, Osaka JAPAN
Tatsuo Mae, MD, PhD, Suita, Osaka JAPAN

Osaka University, Suita, JAPAN

FDA Status Not Applicable


A novel tibial fixation device for a bone plug of bone-patellar tendon-bone (BTB) graft : the Bone plug Tensioning and Fixation (BTF) system showed superb performance.



To evaluate the mechanical properties of bone plug fixation to the tibia with a novel device, the Bone plug Tensioning and Fixation (BTF) system (Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, Inc., Andover, MA, USA), and to compare them with those with an interference screw (IFS).


Forty patellae and tibiae taken from porcine knees were used. Ten of the 40 BTB specimens were served for graft tension controllability test. After the bone plug from the whole patella was fixed to the force gauge on the tensile testing apparatus, the bone plug of 10-mm width from the tibia/ tibial bone plug was introduced into the tibial tunnel created in the tibia fixed on base of the apparatus. Then an initial tension of 9.8 or 19.6 N was applied to the tibial bone plug using a weight and maintained for 5 minutes. The bone plug fixation to the tibial tunnel was achieved with the BTF system or with an IFS under either 9.8 or 19.6 N tension. After the fixation is completed, the weight was removed, and the residual graft tension was recorded for 5 minutes. Cyclic loading test followed by tensile-to-failure test was performed on all of the 40 specimens.


The mean difference between the residual tension and the predetermined tension was significantly smaller in BTF group (9.8 Nā†’10.6±2.2 N; 19.6 Nā†’18.9± 2.1 N) than in IFS group (9.8 Nā†’23.4±7.4 N ; 19.6 N ā†’ 28.9±11.5 N). The mean displacement of the bone plug after cyclic loading was significantly less in the BTF group (1.2 ±0.6 mm) than in the IFS group (2.2 ±1.0 mm). Stiffness was significantly greater in the BTF group (504.6±148.8 N/mm) than in the IFS group (294.7 ±96.7 N/mm), whereas the maximum failure loads in the two groups did not differ significantly (BTF, 724.2 ±180.3 N ; IFS, 634.8 ±159.4 N).


BTF system achieved graft fixation at the tension closer to the predetermined tension than did IFS fixation. BTF fixation also resulted in less displacement of the bone plug during cyclic loading test and in higher stiffness than did IFS fixation, whereas maximum failure loads between the two fixations did not differ significantly.