2025 ISAKOS Congress in Munich, Germany

2025 ISAKOS Biennial Congress ePoster

Addition of anterolateral ligament reconstruction to primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction could benefit recovery of functional outcomes

Jin Hyuck Lee, PT, PhD, Seongbuk-Gu/ Seoul, KOREA KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
Ki-Mo Jang, MD, PhD, Prof., Seoul KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

korea university college of medicine, Seongbuk-gu/ SEOUL, korea, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

FDA Status Not Applicable


Additioinal of ALL reconstruction to primary ACL reconstruction could benefit recovery of functional outcomes


This study aimed to compare functional outcomes sequentially up to 1 year after combined anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) and anterolateral ligament reconstruction (ALLR) and isolated ACLR. Fifty patients who underwent ACLR with versus without ALLR were analyzed at four different time points (preoperatively and 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively). For the functional outcomes, muscle strength and acceleration time (AT) were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. Proprioception was evaluated using joint position sense and dynamic postural stability. Patient-reported outcomes were measured using the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK-11) scores. Functional performance was assessed using single-leg hop distance (SLHD) and Limb Symmetry Index. In the operated knees, quadriceps (at 6 months postoperatively, p = 0.003) and hamstring (at 6 and 12 months postoperatively, p < 0.001) strength were significantly higher in the combined ACLR and ALLR group than the isolated ACLR group. The TSK-11 (at 6 and 12 months postoperatively, p < 0.001) was significantly lower in the combined ACLR and ALLR group than the isolated ACLR group. SLHD was significantly higher in the combined ACLR and ALLR group than the isolated ACLR group (at 6 months, p = 0.022 and at 12 months, p = 0.024). The addition of ALLR to primary ACLR yielded better muscle performance, fear of movement, and functional performance than isolated ACLR.