Picking Winners: How Do We Ensure Consistently Good Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy?

ISAKOS Webinars Webinar   2021   group rating (13)


Anatomic Location

Treatment / Technique

Sports Medicine

This webinar will bring together the leaders in hip arthroscopy globally to discuss how we consistently get good outcomes following hip arthroscopy. It will be a multidisciplinary discussion on the following: how do we choose the right patient for surgery? Also, in general we have nice results and our patients are getting better, but are they getting good? Case based discussions as well as short lectures will try to address these issues. Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to understand the rationale of a thorough pre-operative assessment of the patient and pick winners to ensure favourable outcomes.

This media is available to current ISAKOS Members, Global Link All-Access Subscribers and Webinar/Course Registrants only.