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Regional Hospital of Horsens Horsens DENMARK
Evidence in Hip Preservation Surgery: Lessons Learned Ajay Malviya, PhD, FRCS (T&O), MSc, MRCS Ed, MS (T&O), MBBS, UNITED KINGDOMIntroduction of the Faculty and Objectives of the SessionAnatomical and Biomechanical Evidence & Labral Surgery Hajime Utsunomiya, MD, PhD, JAPANDebridement versus Repair of the Labrum André Sarmento, MD, PORTUGALLabral treatment & Outcomes from the Danish registry Bent Lund, MD, DENMARKEvidence Trends and Outcomes in Labral Related Surgery Nick Mohtadi, MD, MSc, FRCSC, DRCPSC, Clinical Professor, CANADAOutcomes in the Athlete and how to optimize Labral Surgery Joseph J. Ruzbarsky, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 41 minutes group rating (1)
Hip / Groin / Thigh Labrum Instability Arthroscopy Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Picking Winners: How Do We Ensure Consistently Good Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy?Elección de ganadores: ¿Cómo garantizar resultados consistentemente buenos después de artroscopia de cadera?Factors Affecting Outcomes in Hip Arthroscopy Vikas Khanduja, MA(Cantab), MBBS, MSc, FRCS, FRCS(Orth), PhD, UNITED KINGDOMDefining Outcomes in Young Adult Hip Surgery Benjamin G. Domb, MD, UNITED STATESDefining Outcomes in Young Adult Hip Surgery Benjamin G. Domb, MD, UNITED STATESEffect of Rotational and Torsional Abnormalities on the Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Olufemi R. Ayeni, MD, PhD, MSc, FRCSC, CANADAEffect of Rotational and Torsional Abnormalities on the Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Olufemi R. Ayeni, MD, PhD, MSc, FRCSC, CANADAEffect of Mental Health on Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Joshua D. Harris, MD, UNITED STATESEffect of Muscle Strength and Role of Prehabilitation in Hip Arthroscopy Joanne Kemp, PT, PhD, AUSTRALIAEffect of Muscle Strength and Role of Prehabilitation in Hip Arthroscopy Joanne Kemp, PT, PhD, AUSTRALIAEvidence from the Registries on Less Favorable Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Bent Lund, MD, DENMARKEvidence from the Registries on Less Favorable Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Bent Lund, MD, DENMARKEvidence from the Registries on Less Favorable Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Ajay Malviya, PhD, FRCS (T&O), MSc, MRCS Ed, MS (T&O), MBBS, UNITED KINGDOMEvidence from the Registries on Less Favorable Outcomes Following Hip Arthroscopy Ajay Malviya, PhD, FRCS (T&O), MSc, MRCS Ed, MS (T&O), MBBS, UNITED KINGDOM
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 2021 group rating (13)
Hip / Groin / Thigh Arthroscopy Outcome Studies
2017 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Martin Lind, MD, PhD, Prof., DENMARK
Hip / Groin / Thigh Capsuloligamentous Complex Outcome Studies Arthroscopy
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Bent Lund, MD, DENMARK
Ankle / Foot / Calf Knee Hip / Groin / Thigh Nerve Ligaments Impingement Outcome Studies Arthroscopy ACL PCL
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Knee Meniscus Medial Lateral Rehabilition / Physical Therapy Repair / Reconstruction
Speaker for Smith & Nephew