AOSSM & ISAKOS Masters Course: Osteotomies Around the Knee Course Recap

Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD, UNITED STATES


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On October 6-7, 2023, ISAKOS and AOSSM collaborated to offer a Masters course entitled “Osteotomies Around the Knee,” chaired by Drs. Elizabeth Arendt, Alan Getgood, and Robert LaPrade, at the Orthopedic Learning Center in Rosemont, Illinois.

This two-day course featured an international faculty representing four regions: David Parker, MBBS, BMedSc, FRACS (current ISAKOS president/Australia); and Rodrigo Maestu, MD; and Maria Tuca, MD (South America); sponsored by ISAKOS, as well as Kristian Kley, MD; and Matthieu Ollivier, MD (Europe); supported by an industry educational grant, and nine North American faculty including Annunziato Amendola, MD; Andrew S. Bernhardson, MD; Jorge Chahla, MD, PhD; Henry B. Ellis, MD; Rachel M. Frank, MD; Andrew Geeslin, MD; Volker Musahl, MD; Anil Ranawat, MD; and Seth L. Sherman, MD.

The course was divided into a day of didactics that included both video and live cadaveric demonstrations, and a second all day hands-on cadaveric experience in the lab. The course covered all things around the knee, including coronal, sagittal and axial plane abnormalities, as well as femoral, tibial, and tibial tubercle osteotomies. Clinical cases including ligament deficiencies, uni-compartment osteoarthritis, and anterior knee pain.

The course began with presentation and discussion about osteotomy basics, as well as deformity analysis using current software applications. Questions tackled included the role of joint line obliquity, and whether patient specific instrumentation and navigation is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes.

Both opening and closing wedge osteotomies of the femur and tibia were discussed and the pros and cons of their use in clinical practice. The emerging role of biplanar correction and correction on both sides of the joint was demonstrated through case-based discussions and applications.

Sagittal plane tibial slope correction for ligament deficiency for both ACL and PCL was discussed and their related clinical application was discussed in a lively roundtable case based format, involving both faculty and audience.

The first day proceeded into the evening with a pizza and beer dinner, with an engaging faculty complications corner on “my worst complication and how to avoid it.”

The course participants exceeded the number of spots available with applicants from 14 countries and approximately 60% from the United States. One participant, Dr. Gen Lin Foo from Singapore, cleverly combined this twoday course with the Chicago marathon, which he completed the following day. The Chicago weather providing a great setting for this autumn weekend.

This Masters course was a great learning opportunity for participants and faculty alike. Throughout the course, faculty and participants intermingled at breakfasts, lunches, and breaks, where all those present had an opportunity to network and ask questions, renew friendships, and establish new ones.