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2024 Vol. II Newsletter Editor's Message

Iftach Hetsroni, MD, Associate Prof., ISRAEL Claudia Arias, MD, PERU Nikolaos K Paschos, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES


ISAKOS Newsletter   Newsletter Article 2024   Not yet rated

The ISAKOS Newsletter is soon entering a new era!

This current issue of the ISAKOS Newsletter finalizes 27 years of printed versions which were accompanied in the last 11 years with a digital flipbook. As indicated by the latest ISAKOS member surveys, the vast majority of our members supported transitioning the publication into a digital-only, online version. In accordance with this, we will be transforming the piece soon to become the official “ISAKOS eNewsletter.” The ISAKOS Newsletter Editorial Board is currently working to develop new features to implement on the newsletter digital platform. Some examples include debate podcasts, brief video presentations, linkage to social media platforms—all showing the possibilities of this digital change. Moving to online-only will enable us to deliver and share a larger volume of knowledge in a simple, user-friendly manner. Moreover, authors published in the ISAKOS eNewsletter will benefit from world-wide exposure and online indexing of their Current Perspective articles. We encourage you all to stay tuned and accept with enthusiasm the digital ISAKOS eNewsletter that is on its way very soon.

As ISAKOS’s mission is to enhance our members’ knowledge and expertise, we would also like to remind you of the additional cutting-edge, digital platforms delivered by our society. Please use the following URL to view upcoming meetings, online courses, webinars, and to explore ISAKOS Approved Courses to find the perfect fit for your educational needs (! As a new member benefit, please explore the newly launched ISAKOS Global Link Spotlight e-newsletter which arrives twice a month directly to the member’s inbox ( With this platform and the assistance of AI technology, each member can enjoy, over time, specialty-specific videos and manuscripts in their inbox.

Finally, as we are all looking forward to our next Biennial ISAKOS Congress in Munich in 2025, please note that registration is now open at We invite you to register now and join us in Munich!

We hope you will find this final print issue of the ISAKOS Newsletter insightful and valuable.

Sincerely yours,

Iftach Hetsroni, MD, Assoc. Prof. ISRAEL
Editor in Chief

Claudia Arias, MD PERU
Deputy Editor

Nikolaos Paschos, MD, PhD UNITED STATES
Deputy Editor